GALA FOUIITH Wbetber you stay at home or- go away for the holiday there are numerous things that you wilt1 need tg make this aweek-ý end to be remembered. In the pages of Your Home Paper this week are mnany timely suggestionsun the weekly messagesof, OUR ADVERTISER-S ADVERTISER> PAGE A &, P Food..Stores ......... 23. Ace Mtor. Sales......<ver IV American FirewQ"rks Co......... 6 Anderson ilote!.............48 Bavaria ..................5 Book Nook, The .............4U Boulevard Drug Store.....9 Brauch's Slumber Shop«-.4, 28 Braun Bros. 011 co..........64 Burns Toggery ..............6 Christian Science Ghurh....91 Community Theatre....... ...56 Consumers Co .......... ir INV Court Antiquie Shop ......... 41 Crane Co.................. 51 Davis Furniture Co.......... 46: Domino Stugar ............... 45 ADVERTISER PAGIE, Mellody. Farms Daîry.......13 Mestjian BTos..............52, Milurns............... 28 Millard Institute of Speech ..56: Mission His Golf Club....49 Monticello College ........... 46 Murinie Co ........ ....... 44, 56, New Ocean Hou se............ 48 New Trier H!gh School........ 35 National Tea Co ............. 15. Normandy House............. 41 North Shore Refrigerationi Service..... ............ 5 O'Donnell's................. 14 O* of Sait ............... 63 Oil Well, The.............. 10 *Pagliarulo, D ............... 14 * E va ns ton' s Dampman-Schmitt Dodgers have yet to hurdie the Wieti- ecke Hardware team from Glencoe * before 'their'staniding will entitie themi to-share the top spot with Glencoe. The Dodgers will Meet Wienecke's at Mason park, Evanistoni.,.proba)ly, on .Friday -evening, JuIy 9.-Damp- mnan-Schmitt will.trely on -the-pitclhilg of Shimfmin to'take this ýgame.. -,.'With' a play-off seemng ttquite improbable, Dampmai-Schmitt should have the edge over Bill Schroeders' Glencoe gang,. because of, their onie point victor >yini a previous contest. The second, round of play ini the NKorth Shore. league. which is, sponi- sorled, by the Evanston Bureau, of Recreation, will get u".,ïde* way Suni- day, jul'y 11. Games are scheduled for 10 a. mi. At. that time the CCC Camip.wiIl play the' Harrington Nlo- ~tors at Harm~s w"odse.viw, l'lie Wienecke Hardware éntrv willI en- gage the Dampman -Schmitt Dodgers at Sout.h park, Glenicoe. Horni's wuill play M atty Conrad's WVinnetka Auito Sales teami at Horn's. Niles Center. while the Shawnee Garage wilI cen- tertain Glencoe Playgrounds at thec výillagegreei, Wilmette. RETURN FROM EAST > lutermient was at Graý tery., jr. and cene- TiflSHR Ac NORIN S l'aint TrYck ýGardens Having painted. the fornmai gardélrîs. of the -Edward Ryerson homie in. Lake Forest hast Saturday. the nieibers of the North Shore Art league sketch class wil lind contrast Saturday, jiuly. 3, in sketching the truck farns in the v icinity of Gle.nview road ani Skokie hiighwý%aN. Plans are already .annotunccd foi- the juiy 10 meeting>, when tlic group \Vill have luncheon at the iho Tree barn at 12 :30 o'ciock, spending the afternoon painting the maiîv beauitiful spots. in its neighiborhiood. The 'directions .for reaching thc barn are to go out Deerfieid road to rri1Lson' U en ............o Evanston Btîsiness Colege . . ..49 Evanston Rubber Go... ...... 30 Evergiades, The ............. 56 Fassett, Rosalie Roach........ 44 Feltman & Curme ........ ...24' FeirieU Beauty Shop ..........8 Ferry, Robert P ......... 49, 50 Firat Federal Savings & Loan ... 51 Fourth of July Celebration . ... 35 Frosted Foods .........14 Quigley & Hili1 .............. 49 Quinlan & Tyson ..... ......-50 Ratny, Herman J.......... 52 Rensch Warehoise ............ 63 Ridge AvenüçePhax-nicy.......8 Ridgeway Grocery .......8 Satten, Dr. Frank ........46 Schloesser's................ 17 Schoenrt<.k. G. A. Dlairv 3 pected the end of the week f rom WVinnetka, or Mrs. Maryv Bornarth Buffalo, N. Y., and will be wjth the of Niles 'Center. Chapins until their home ini Wil- The sketch class meetings, arc. mette is ready for theni. open to any member of the eagiux. Manager Hotels *........49 Maun's Food Shop ........... 18 Marshall Field & Co-22, 26, 27, 39,' 43 WV *ÂA48lLe C~flLatt. dn in -. . . z a 'Wilmette Theatre '........57 Wilson & Go ................ 25 Winter,-Geo. B. nc ....... 20, 21 Wollff & Watt. .......... 7