Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1937, p. 63

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are tenl in the group, which is one of twet4htree AYH groups to sait. Each group planned its own itinerary on the boat goitg over. *These 250 Amiericani hostelers on landîIng. will .bike and. hike through, Europe. staying overnight in the: youth hostels. Their American Youth Hostel î)ass, admits them to 4,500 European. hostels ivhere the overnight fee is f rom, 10 'to 25 cents. They 'plan to live o01a dollar a day. During past- summers groupshoteling in Europe hvetrav- eled 1,500 miles by bicycle. Tlic AYH groups -which will hostel. in E'urope this summer a re thosego.I to thee German speaking countries,. tle French s peaking counitries, the British Ilies, Scandinavia or Italy. There will also be an Alpine group which will have an expert alpinist -as its. European- guide; j and an interniational. group. which il visit six countries. Yuuth hostels havé' given significance to the statcnienit that the~ best vaca.tio~n is the inlexpensive one. 'flhc inexpen- saeesof the trip, which costs f roniI $255 to $320 depending on age and c.X- .perienice chosen, for ten weeks. New York to New York, is hiowever, only part oi the inanifold purpose behind the AYIl hosteling trips. Hosteling de- velops independence, self-reliance and a broadl-iinided understanding. of Inter- national relations, it is pointed out. Amnerîcan hostelers in Europe. are This 7v*ià, taken bý, Walter C. 1Farrar, 1210 Grcenwzood avenue, WiI- mote,'chairimn of arrangements for the concerts ta be given by the Illinois s ujiphlmy orchestra this suminer, shows the begikinings of the iieze, WiImette bllocated at the foot of Washinflton avenue, zohere the series is to be held. ENTERTAINR North Western Wins Harriman Gold Medal Jack Steblbiis, 329 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, who has just completed lis junior year at Princeton, came home. to spend three days wvith his parents, M.r. and Mrs. Fred J. Steb- bins, recently, and. then wenît east again to attend the artillery camp at Watertown, N. Y., where lié will be for six weeks, Miss Auin Whitmack, Wilmette, librarian*,. returned 'this week after a. trip to Europe. A BETTER WAY TOI TREAT BURNS-CuS .Slds anxd ]Bnuis-A waythousands of industrIa l >ants, fire departmentl, phy41- exNperience!s. folksongs and folklore. Hosteling P, a conÇcrete stel) toward creating lasting international friendship. Ni i-.,. Hiattie E. Fýrance, president oi tliv Past, Matrons club> of Wil- mette chaptêr of the Eastern Star, entertained the members at her home, 823 Central avenue, Tuesday, june 22. AIl enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch- eon in the btautiful garden. The next meeting of the club) will be iii Sep- tcmbe r. On june 23 it was againthe recipi- ent of the Harriman gold medal, the second time it has won thîs high honor. President Fred W. Sargent ac- cepted the. award on behalf of the railway. Present also at the award- i'ng were vice-president and general manager, G. B. Vilas and general manager of safety G. H, Longman. sister iii Winnletka for a short stay. lias brought hlmi nationwide acciaim., Meich as a Daiau su inger an ru'.4p.'ty'r-. -o--lhas beel hooked at the Evergiades for Floor shows are offereci every after- Mrs. Cyril Means of Detroit, iMch., the summiier season folowiiig brifliant noon and evening at the Everglades accomipanied by b.er son Cynil, Jr., engagemients at jack Dempsey's restau- which also hias gained a fine reputation visitedý Mrs. Albert A. McKeiglialirant anid the Yacht Club iii New York. for providing first qualityfoods. George of (il Illinois rÉoad, Monday. Augnienting bis talents in the art of Turner is the Evergiades manager.

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