37 Minuites, to the LOol)0 250 E. Main St. 15 ACRES IN WEST Lake Forest with old 7 room bouse sltting back from highway, in vicinlty of west Lake Forest estates and priced below'- the . ad- joln.ing comparable.. acreage. Price $500 per acre. WYATT &COO0NS Wàukegan Road Glenview .81 124lTN7-ltc Barrington 37 I ______________________________________ $65,00 Buys a lîcautiful country esýtate with a. vers "xceptional 3-story Colonial Hlone, consisting of 4 large bed- roons, 5 baths and slèeepýhing prcbi pa'nelled walls, 2 fireplaces. hot w. heat by ou. Excellent greenhouse and completely walled ln terrace. 40 acres of the finest rolling land located at the hlghest point ln the Barrlngton district. This house cost new $80,060 and at the above price is really a wonderful bargaîn. Bleautifully Landscaped 1 W orth ---$35,O0 11ar estaýp, emplete and very miodemiýt in every detail. Lovely miain bouse, air conditioned : guest hse.. combination garaze and stable-s. NURSERY 0F SEVERAL 1-UN-> DRED I3EAUTIFUL JEM TREES. Prlced below its read value. 3 miles 'West of station. Near Barrigton Mls Country Club. FA R M'S-FA RMNS, FRMS NI", Ideal,,Summier Home. WITHI 'N EASY %COMMUTING, DIS- tanceof Chiicago.,ILocated, on h igh ground on Fox Rf ver at M4cHeniry. Substantial 6 room b'ouse, 2 screenid porches, 2 'baths, electricity, gas, fur-' nace heat, 2 -car. garage,, guest- house. Lot, 66x200.. Landscaped with fruit and fir trees. River front bas sea wall and pler. Owner will sel lncludi .ng aIl fur- niture and boats,.* outboard motor, etc. at $8,500. Reasonable termns. R. M. Johnston & Co.- Opposite L Terminal Wilmette 444 FOR SALE NORTHERN WISCONSIN SUMMER estate ; 40 a.;4 750 f t. frontage. Trout ILake. Large mAain bouse, steani beat, ail conventences. Guest bouse; mas- ter's den; service buildings. Suitable for famlly deslring privacy; for co- operative vacation club; for resort; for camp. Descriptive brochure availablte for Interested person. WALTER W. HART, R.F.D.. 'WOODRUFF, WIS. 119A-LTN5-4tp in Washington. FOR pALE-ItOUSEHOLP OOOPS BROWN 1JAI. BEDRM. SUITE WITH twin spool beds, mah. bedrm. suite, double bed, sanitary couch, bedrmn. chair, easy.chai, l amps, rug 8 ft. x 10 ft. 2 ln., chiffonier, wardrobe. radio,, fire-. place set, blue miohair davenp ort, cro-, quet set, Norge refrigerator, Easy washer,, Thor Ironer, fruit, jars. Phonie Wilmette' 1910. 129LTN8-1tp ANTIQUE SPOOL BED, DRESSER and commode to match. Daecr tainsc, misc. hsehold. goods.. Cali af t. or eve.s.,% 215 Fifth St., Wilmette,.4515. 129LTN8-Itp ORIENTAL CHINESE RUGS Large and. Small 1939x12 Domnesties .93Church St., 'Exanston 129ýLTN5-4tp 1 .v xor y Bedrooîn Set I 1l Greeujlvaf \Vilirnette 1953 1-11T T rS LB V 1 G .HAUTOMATIC. HOT water heater. A-I cýondition. Very resoinab1e; Fia-t toi) df,.sk. 111 good con-. ditioîi, Winnetka 3860. 129LTN8-ltc T A N S F E H lR ,E 1 - M 1-ST S E 1 branci newv living ri., dining rr. suites; bookoase or china cab.; bede; new fulli mattress. 1Greenleaýf 0.822. i 2!1LTN8-Ilp WANTED 'TO BUY-HSHLO. GOODS CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNITUI modernor antique, and other fiou~e hold articles. WilI also accept. your furniture on *Jose Iturbi, pianist aand condclor, lias chot'en .10' introdu(ce him 'selfj. h Rai aFestival a udiences in h is capacity of piamist. A~ppariug ov the first Gala .~,poi rga o f !id\"2, drcted 15-v.Sir Ern est .1faciillIan, giCesi conujctor froni . the , Toronto Snp o rochestra, he -will acconîplish thec niou fa OSV Piavistic feait of plaiug four differl- cl mnajor pialno Con certos in tli, space of thiree da 'vs, fwo concerts aflern n ad eenuqlai-iiIý hcu *Sichiidied for S'îidaqv,.10Yv 4 To Iturbi this- is les: of a ,tunt tlhan 421pr a cre. ¶6 $200 Per Acre ac tre farm, 80 acres of- timiber, niew, dairy,,barn, deep well. Uni- 1îualypctu*resque. 5 miles Northi West of narrington, $6'5 0 0 Tvo excellent'4 localities. One huildingts. Sm, iny S miles $12,Offl farms in choiee complete set of ke rolling land Iof. . High way 89, Write, phone or (-ai1 Itobert P. F*erw, Lake Milîs, Wis- epcnsin. 1] 9ýA-LýTN8-4tp) RKALfgTTE OANS FEDERAL HOME LOANS, LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES. Borrow Up to 60% of value. Conveni- ent montbly repayment plan over 5 t( 15 years. Deal with a local institution Full details by lnquiry at FIRST FEDERAL JSÂVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 0F WILMETTE versit ton. Ave EVans- WANT1ED HOSPITAIBED Winnetka 1439 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Used Washer, Sale 5 WASHERS GUARANTEED A-1 CON- successive concerts is enough to gîvle pause to tie inost intrepid àrtist. B3ut Jose Iturbi has a long record of intrepidity and musical accomplisient hehind him, .and his Spanish enthusiasmi in herited from bis sturdy Basque 'par- entage which rmade hlm .a child prodigy in Valencia has deserted him not a whiî. Hard work is in bis veins. At the ripe age of sèven he was already known as a prXligy,. giving public concerts tonex- EXCLUSIVE AGENT China, 'glass. pewI 250 E. Main St. Phone 37 olii silver 'urn, ldd Barrington ______________________124LTN-lte - KARASTAN CHUý 22 ACREDS ON MILWAUJKEE A\1E. IN 18' 2", Comb. ra Wheellng with frontage of 2 concrete. Ail American pr( highiwayt. Oas, water and electrcity- Marshall Field bicý ail asoessment.s pald for. $900 per acre. rm. suite with tw Te>rnis. Caîl T. Fergusoni,.WIllnette 5.42. excel. cond. Phoneé i24LNS-lp ure cooker, -girl's le., brown mah. bed WI[LL spool beds, allinI.. Ironer: MGE--MICELLPANÈOUS mvr. iturbi iast appeare d iu Chicago. in the guise of Conductorwith the Chii- ÇCHANGE LARGE THOR cago Symphony Orchestra during. the ri Smaîl in saine excel. cond. Box 60, Wilmette, Ill. regular wlnter Syphoýny concerts, at. 133LTN8-ltp Orchestra Hiall, territory. We .d( Iie dulit'a.ted for