Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1937, p. 61

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ALMOT COIILETEI) 4 BDRNM., 2h bath, alr-condltloned bouse. $14.500. '.%r, Ahrens. CRYSTAIJ LAKI-' FSTA'TEý-. 160 A, Highly improved.$200;5.0 Cash. Nfr. Clarke., HOME IN ýCOUNTRY O.N,ý 106 A. RICH Soul. $10,600. Only $1,500. cash.,«I1r. Taylor. R. B. WHITAKER. Co. 140 Center St. WVinn. 32501 Hog. P k. Î-302 Open for lInspection J UNE 30th, JUL.Y lst, JI'LY 2nd, 7P.M. to 94 .M $39 Lincoln Street, F VANSToN, So)l id brick Colonial bomte. near lake iný Orrinkton Scin til heat,.2 car attaçh!2d garage. tue -,roof-lot Sx15Scthis tint- home and mnake offer. OR'CALL S HORF,-TOW,'N S R EALIT y * .CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue. Evanston. iOrf-en1eaf 27(00 Hogers Park 663t; i i,,TN8-lte Southeast Winnietka $4.500 C ' ASH WiLL HVY 7 R OOM.N residence with 2 tile baths, comipleteply redecoirated, good lo)cationi, HAW. heat 2 car garage, wooded lot, at $1 2,500 or $10,000 as i.s. HEINSEN RA4YCo. 9;60 <'ente r Street- W-iinnetka 234 111 [,TN8-Ite 147 CHESTNUT ST. ýWINNETKA IN THI-, HEART 0F THE POPULA11,R Hill Road> Section we offer this hand- some Georgian. Colonial* residence which wll adapt itseif to large or small fam- 14, alike. Out-of-town ownerî anxious to selI, will consider reasonable, offer. .- i itvn h .nit-kin meit nl w tl For the Q. & T. Sign to the "Voice of Experience" A perfect borne for "a family of four- in Kenillworth. 9-room brick Colonial on quiet s9treet1 near lake. schools. & transportatiosn. Beautiful sur- roundings. $ 40,000.00 The present owner o! thfis house has been transferred and must seli his Wýilmette' home.. rick-5 bedrims,., 2 baths-gamne room-wide deelp lot. $26,000.60 Ail you could ask for plus niany extram yoj wiIl find In this En gliWi brick home-a step-down 'livingro, bedrins., 3 baths. In the eastërn part, of Winnetka. All for $ 18,500.00. li-ow does t4is sound-East.« Winneka- bri îc-4 bedrmns., . 21h bath.s -H .W. heat. $16,500-00. 0~ 1571 Sherman Avenue, E-'a nstoii Ilog. 2616 iini. 260() WiI. 26011- \Vlll STILL BUY THIS ('OM- fortable six roomn home. *Ail three bedrooms are large and have large, light olosets. A suthny porch ad- joins the living room. Ail modemn plumbing, hot water heat, two car garage, very fine yard. A short I 111I..TN8-1LU GLORJOUS HJ AND LOCATION, ON. lake and Michigan Ave., ultra Modern Georgian Brick -tile roof--;) Idirms., 41½ baths, tile kitchien, recrea. rmi., garden, pool,. 2 car atl. gar. Must see to really appreciate. W'ill reiît with option. Mrs. M.\ead. THE BILL S REALT-1-Y, Ime. 529 1)avls St., EvanSton Gre. 1166 Wilniette 34 1715 Lake St., Glencoe 3lOT ATTRACTIVE SPANISH type 7 room house. 2 baths. glazed sun room, sleeping porch. H. W. oil heàt. Att. garage. Lot 55x189. City National Ag'ency 0F EVANSTON, INC. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, 'HON\ BY APPOINTMENT 800 Kai t. Ro 400 (ire. 1412 DRI.VE BY 1524 Walnut ý.St., Wilnmette N;EWLY DECORATED AND RE- modeled seven. room home, three bedrooms and modern bath on seodfloor,, mald's room and lava- tory on. first floor.. Lot 50xl5O wlth fine large trees. Price $8,600-l4ib- eral terms. SHORE,-TOWNS RE-ALTYý CORPORATIONe 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston . reenleaf 2700 wilmette 608 BRICK BUNGALOQW ON WVOODED LOT 50x150 IN EXCEL- lent school and transp. location. Pressed brick, 5 rnfis., enci. sun pcb.. attic, 2 car gar. H.W. ht., ol-Price $ 10,500.00. THE BILLS REALTY, mnc.. 529 Davis St., Evanston (ire. 1166 WilmeItte 3740 il 1LTN8-1 te SEE IT TODAY' BEST BUY 0F THE WEEK i, ri. east side col. Ex. lav. op lst ýfi. H.W. oilht. l large rmis. You can't !j L!OVELY LARGE ROOMS, GLAZED sun m. 31/2 baths. H.-W. oil heat. 2-car att. garage. About% acre. Beau- t ifully landscaped. City National Agen.cy 0F EVANSTONj. INO. 800 Davis St. Room 4006 ri.11 111LTN8,-ltp CLAPBOARD COLONIAL SEVEN ROOM HOME, NEAR transportation, s c h o o 1 and QtrA 4h.dom,14 haths SMART & GOLEE, Inc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston Wil. 2486. 114LTN8-Itc 2.1 ACRES ON TH1E TELEGRAPH, ROAD, BE- tween Half, Day Road (Route 22) and Old Mill Road, with one acre priv- ate road llned With elm trees leading hack to the 20 acres, Lake Forest %vater,, electricity,, gas, telephone'avail- ableà.'.Ideal site for coun try* home. ýSee our .sign on property. Price $9,500 sub-, jeet to Immediate acceptance., MeGUIRE & ORR, Inc., Ov-er 43 Yýears of Dependable Service 4j30 Davis St.,ý Evanston Greenleaf 1080 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Gleflcoe 13 il 4LtN8-ltc CHOICE RAVINE. LOT 75 FT. FRONT-135. FT. WIDE IN rear., Very deep with plenty of table land. Beautifully .wooded. In sec- tion of new homes near: Bràeslde School. Owvner very anxloug for offer. Call Mr. Piersen, 5 S. St. .johns, Highland Park 1855, '%Vin- ieta 180~2.1- 114LTN8-ltc ONE ACRE-WINNETKA 2ü0'x2.ý3'. LOCATED IN ESTAB- llshed estate nelg4iborhood second to none. Convenlent to schools and trans- portation. No speclal assessments. Re- strlcted. You can't mak.e a misgtake by buylng thls at the 10w price of $8.000. iMcGUIRE & ORR', Imc. FORECLOSED MORTGAGE HOLDER *sayý4s slI at once, well located lots, ample for three houses. PRICE:- $8.000. McGUIRE & ORR, Imc: EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Over 43 Years of Dependable Service, 30DvsSt., Evans. Gre. 1080, W-il. 228 114LTN8-ltc ON L WA trc Mr. Thau 725 Elm S-MIT14 7 RUS. BRICK COL., 4 BDRMS., 3% baths, brkfst. rm., vecreation im., 2-car gar., hot water ohl. You can buY It wth aý Omali down payment and bal. like rent. Wlnnetka 269, 111LTN84ltp gar., Pcopper roof. W, $18.'000. lst tlmeadv. -584 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 177 p 111LTN8-ltc SGOD 5 ROOM HOME CLSET SCHOOLS, STATIONS, S T OR ES. e $6.000. ALSO 1 IN COUNTRY. .F.Pavllk, Jr., Co. N enllworth-2016 CAS FOR AI REF'E JULY 2448 .-LTN8-ltc'

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