In titis sketch of the 7vst side of Varc y avenu<e, looking soutk froin.Isabdlla street, Evdn.slon, eight neuw homes, nou', under construction bvIthe Hoine De7,elopmienit corPoration.' Set in a dense wo mo.idified types, are c.vpccted bo be examtpics of Ihe la test ij» plâningii and constru ction. Fiktished iii 1of oatk and imapie, these ( oltnug homes, in both mode?, rick and stone thev u'ilI seil at Prices .ranagiina upto *$1 Realtors Enroute (o. International1 Parle y in-Paris Two international conferenceso interest to real- estate ýowners and ulsers of réal, estate in the .United States>are taking place this mionth in Paris. ,They are: ýan International Housing 1and Town Planniing Con- gress and a meetinig of the Interna- tional Federatioii of Surveyors,. which inicludes i its rnemlership the pro- fessional groups in the field of real estate apprais al, inicluding the.Chart-. ered Suirvevors Institution, Enigîishi professionial socicty. *and the Anier- icazv Institute of Real Estate Ap- praisers of the National Association of Real Estate boards. The latter has designated as its official delegates Harrv A. Taylor of East Orange, * N. j., and Bovd P. Barnard of Phila- deiphia. l'le association vill have representing its president at the con- ference Robert 13. Whitaker, vice-* president, hecad of R. B. Whitaker coîupanv, \Vinnetka, and also, lt is hodped, the .chairman of its comniittee on real estatt_ finance, Edward A MNiacD)ougall,. of New York. Herbert U. Nelson, of Winnetka, secretarv of the national association, w'~ill attend both meetings and sec again something. of what En--ropeati couintries are doing in the fields of * housitig, taxation, and real estate financing, and appraisal. -Here, asiii man'v dilier fi elds.e theý wvorl(l is growing smialler," Mr. Nelson p)oints out, "wcv find uc have problemns * that are similar to those that Eng- lanid, Geriiiainy, Sweden, France, and Italy are. also working uponl. ,,Il study,,ing. Europeani experience, Show ImP rovement i n Occupancy, Percent age- The Spring surveyv completed this weçek b y the Evanston-North Shore Real Estate board shows a fractional improvementin ,occupancy perce ntage over one1 year a go accordingý to. George 'Holm of. Smart & Golee, mic. chairman of the rent.committee. The su rvey coveré'd a total of 6,17M a partmnins'and showed a vacancy percentage of 3.54 as compared with 4.3- in the Spring of 1936. t is inter-, esting tonote, said 'Mr. Hoini, that onlyotievacancy exi'td in the, 7-8 roo ni classifi cation.. Mr. -Holm also pointed out that the Real Estate board, pra.ctice. of surveying,, only buildings containing six apartments and over results in a higher Vacancy percentage than would occur if two apartmnents, duplexs and three apart- ments w,,ere included. In this field, he states, occupancy is practically 10 per cent. Where the highest per- centage. of occupancy was reached last faîl, --\r. ,Holmn points ont that the, survey should be qtiite satisfac- tory to owner 1s ini view of. the higher rent levels establislied, causing some 1 Rm. 2 Rms. No. o f 77' 55 7 No. Vac .-, 3 23 5, Rms. 6 Rms. 7-8 Rms. 1613 701. 156 *0 3(j 3 Rns. 4Rms. 695 2371 12 84 Total % Vac. 6170, ?19 3.54> vene'er residenice. A-\rchitect. OIson an id Presto. Builder, joseph Hohi- Inmanni. $13,500. june 28-T. F. Meade, 1937 Chest- nuit avenue, private garage. Builder, W. Ret chairs and Tables for AlOccasions WE HAVE; 200 Card Table&-2,000Foling Cirs- 300 DirnF - Chairs, Banquet.'and Lunho Tables. Sinill-Chairs and T lables 'for Ch.ldiem's Parties FIREPROF WAREHOUSES Wina.tka Hlghlau Park 'e Max Schicbl, buiIder: $200. 14 Junle 25-Herbert Johnlsonl, 1 Mohawk roadJ, single family brick venleer residence. Architect,.JB. R. Klekamp. $27,000. June 25-ýM. A. Shantz, 1932 Cen- j tral' avenue, single f amily. brick i ON SAVINGS* Federal ilisuran ce on principal, up to $5,000 *Current rate paid silice Jans. , 193j5 'Leuvv;,> Pb 4Lf -Dispicy a«m ajo a. micnigan jve.,, unicalge