by Vested Choir at Recent Wedding A. processional by a vest.ed choir of younig boys wh sang for* the wedding of ýMiss PeggY Lou Doering, daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Walter. C. Doering. 1335 Chestnut avenue, and War- ren Triggs, son of Mr. and Mrs.:* Chartes W. Triggs, 1100 Ash-. land avenue, preceded the wed- ding party down the aisie -of the Church of the holv Coniforter, last Saturday evening. Music by the choir and so1ssfhe the church, lighted with tapers, and decorated w ith "masses of white gladioli, for .-fifteen *or. twenty miinutes before the bride appeared. She wore a gown with starched Chantilly lace bodice and stiff white taffeta skirt-.A headdress of lilacs held i place a long tulle veil, antd she carried a bouquet of white orchids and liles of the valley. Typically Viennese colors were combined in the soft greens, blue, rose and white of the Roman, striped taf- These saine colors were repeated ini Wedding Ceremony Twilight Service Betw.eený the two fireplace.s at Sk okie Country Club ,.green.s formred aà background for the twiligàht wedding of Miss, Doro- thy Va-n Hise Campbell of 1209 Greenwood .avenue, imte and William ,Longstreth -,Rauib, Jrof Evanston,. son> of ýMr. and. Mrs. Longstreth. Raubi of St. Augustine,, Fia.,', last Fri- day afternoon at :5, o'clock. TwIargeý urns of 'white 'flowers at each side,. an d one at the back, cornpletcd the setting for, the cet-e- miony and for the, reception im- fnediately fôllowing, the service per- formed by f lie Rev. Douglas H. Corneil ofý the Union chturéh in Glen- .coe, t.he saine. village in ivhich. the bride's parents, 1\r., and -Mrs. Hugli Stuart Campbell, were married, . Of deep ivory satin was the bride's. dress made, fashioned in princess style -wiýth short p.iffed, sleeves, and a court train of Battenberg lace which was part of lier mother's wcd- ding gown. The bridai bouquet was of liles of the valley. and, orchids. A coronet held hier tulle veil to lier . hartrese arquisette vas the lor dancing~. Miss Betsy Ann Doering, sister of the bride and maid of honor, was gQwned in Roman striped taffeta made redingote style with a petticoat ruf- fled skirt. Her sinail off-the-face hat was of white and she carried a-large bouquet.of white gladioli. The brides- mnaids, Miss jane and Miss Lollie Lou', Triggs, sisters of the bridegrooni. Mrs. R. W. McKiinnon, Jr., of Camn-, bridge, Mass., a former Evanston girl, J. D. Tolof Photo A court train of Batte.nbergq lace, wvhich was Part of her ,nother's zued- ding gourn, zas worn by Miss Dorothy V/an Hise Campbell of Wilmettc wiith her own princess dress of. deep ivory satin, last Friday afternéon, whent,,at 5 o'clock,' she becaine, the bride of Willia, Lonqstreth Raub, Jr., at Skokie Couiitrv club., Her veil. was o! tulle, held in place wuith a simple coronet. Oniv relatives and close !riends.attended. the cerenmonyv and re- ceIptton folIouing. and a full skirt. Hler large liât, the samne color as the dres's, liad hivaicintlî blue velvet ribbôn streaniers touch- ing the floor.,lier accessories match- ed the ribbon on her bat. Purple îri,, corn flowvers, lime ocolor-ed snap- dragons, and token. roses wvere in. ber bouquet. -The two bridesniiaids, MUiss VIirginiia BeIt of .Kenilworth andi Mrs. Clif ton HI. Stowers of Glencoe, wer'e gowned alike in hyacinth blue marquisette, M r-. Triggs bas taken his bride to Mexico on their wedding trip. They will be away a month or six wvecks and when they return will probably make their home ir) Evanston.. Among the out -,Of -towit .guests,. tiie Iuoeings~. 1A number of relatives also, camne nae froin Springfield, Ill.,. and they wereEgge Mn. and Mrs. .C. H.; Streif, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Short of Oscar Zelle, Miss, Libby Weir, anti Evaiistont announice the engagement K[aneZelIIe. . of theit- dauighter, Elinor Belle, to Vincenit F. Seng, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendèlin P. Seng of 401 Lake. ave- nue, Wilmette. Plans are beinignmade for anl early spring wýeddi ng.