Crowd Sunset Ridge Holiday CaIendar Sunset Ridge Country, cluh's bîg thrý week-enid w'ill start Saturday, -Julv 3, \wth 'a l)artnership firsi. and second lowvf n et golf event. for the ileil,.andl, at 8 o'clock, an iniformai dinner- dance with Joe Rudolph- and blis orchestra furnisliing the muic Sunday afternoon, Juiy 4, at 3 :30 o'clock, there is. to be a party.for members' children and their, guests, somne of the featuresý being the Sun- s e t Ridge circus, with Walter Matz, the clown, RayConikli, ventriloquist. a Hollywood act, and trainçd doga Prizes.will be awarded the winnerin races which are being arranged for childrentof ail ages. Refreshments wiil be served, 'and favors given. At .6 o'clock, dhnher for- the children~ wilI be ser-vedç in the grill at special tables. As soon as darkness permits, the colossal fireworks display wilI begin. Iristead of nuiuîug the regular Sat- urday bridge party for the womnen members, July 3, there will be a hioli- day pivot bridge luncheon Monday, Juiy 5, at 12:30 o'clock. At 2 o'clock, Miss Maxine C. Miner, an outstaud- ing exponent of the gamne, will give ýan interestjng bridge lecture before net for classes ,liasses. ,5)llonues, uow net, morningi and. low net afternloon ~Broadcesf eEngag ement: Announcement af Party At a supper dance for 150 guiest,, At a supper. bridge given Thurs- day, June 24, at their home, 433 Mapie avenue, Mi-. and Mrs. Will B. Davis announced the engagement of, their daughter, jane Stuart,. to K~en- neth Wade Chapman, son of Mrs. enehFloyd Chapmaù of Evans- ton,, formerly1 of Norfolk, Va.' Miss Davis attended the Principia -in St., Louis, .aind 'was graduated f rom Northwestern un ivérsity heeshe was:a membler of Kappa Alpha Tlidta sorority'.. She* also attended the Na- tio.naI College of Educationt while at Northwesternl, and. foprthepstycar taughtkindergarten 'in Evanston. Mr. Chapm an xvas graduated from VYirginia Military institue and -then took graduate work at Harvard. The wdigwill take place early ini the faîL Carlos Photo- The engagement of MAiss Iuth E--leaýior BoYlston, daughter of AI,-. and M',s. Arthur l'Villiain BoY/sfoin opf l/miiette, to Edward Woodruff Gibbs, a junior in the Northuestern iiiiv7ersity ,niedical s-rhaol, was an- nounc-ed by li- arents at a hune/z- At a luncheon given at Shiawniee SCountry 'club on Saturday, June 26, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williami Boyis- ton of 2-10 Broadway, Wilmette, an- nounced the engagement of their daughter-Ruth Eleanor, to Edward Woodruff Gibbs, son of Mrs. 0. R. Gibbs o"f -S eattle, Wash. Just before the lun( Kearney, little son of 'Marshall V. Kearney of as a newsbov appe.ared, Urged to Donate Flowers to Guild Memibers. ofý the Kcilw :Northi Home. and Garden c lb are coni triîbutting bouquets offlwr each, week, for the he> Plant, IFlo-wer, an(l Fruit giilI.. Th.eïr cbooleration has been, gen - erous., buit those, in Cliarge- would aI)preciate oti(lC i el1cj,ý frorn other Kenilworth treSi- dents -who are nlot garden cl]> ni em-bers. The guild gathers blossomrs fromn suburban garden-s throughouùt tliv Chicago a rea and secs that they are sent to the iii andi needy ini the city. Ail garden . owners are àsked, to- as- sist with this good work,* and Mrs. John P.' Oleson, 240 Xoodstock avv-- nue, Kènilworth, the guiId chairmnai for. the Keiiworthi Home and Gardeii club, solicits the help of local peoplu. Flowvers taken to lier home Monl- day evening wvil1 be placed in deep water overniglit, which helps thern to . keep duiriin1g packing, and in the mnoriig will be sent iuito the city by the Chicago and North Western rail- road. Flowers are collected each Tues- iroii acngariUen wer. enft weekly, the shoiving would be sur- prisiîug and imôst gratifying to the local commiittees 'which work so faithfuliy and continuously. IsEgge etatterided St Mary's coi- ýe Dame, Ifs!. Mr. O'JCeefe ated from Notre Damne in ýrom. De 'Patul Jaw school in date b~as beeîq set for the evenïng. Thne special attractions~ and day, there will be golf" eveits in the entertainnient àre being planned by inorning and afternoon for the men the committee now, and wili be an- of the club, with their wives holding nounced within.the next few weeks. a bridge > iithé afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will B. Davis au- nounce thé' engagement of. their daughter, Jane Stuaxrt, ta Kenneth Wade Chapmnan, son of Mrs. Ken- neth Floyd Chapmçzn of Evaniston,. formerly of Norfolk, Va.. jvedd1n.