Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1937, p. 28

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tey Cotton or Linen Chenilles are just as harndsome ot>er a summer formai as over a sport dress. You can choose your favorite style in fascinating colors or white p, . fro$o7.And be sure to get a few of, the popular Bradley summer knitted f rocks. Tbey're cool and washab le! They. neyer get musseéd or, need. pressi ng! Priced .frorn si 2.7 5. 70o4 C HU R CH RE E VAN STO0NIINS ~v K nita them, ho e er, w Il stay, for thefl ceeatoiO Sotgs- ue lowing period. and some wil be at1 Jubilee," the first National Boy Scout camp the whole* sixc weeks. Theý Jamboree now encamped upon the ScoutsQ started the camp program off ýbanks of the Potomac in Washington, with swimming and physical exams 1 D. C.. bas gone through many stages on Sunday and on Monday niorn;*ng of deVelopment since, it was first pro- i re gulàr camp activities. started i ra posed more than three years ago. earnest. A large..camnp saf'5d- And scores of 'Men and Womneni Srecting. the, camp programý which have, expounded their reasons« for, promises to be one of, the best Ma-, thinking that,'this jamboree has pro- îKa-Ja-Wani has ever had. found implications to our national If e far beyond the pageantry, the camp- ,HEADQUARTERS: ing and, fellowship which will be in- During the summner months the cident ipo it.ý Scout .offce at 21 North Sheridan Business ad'rofessional men have road, Highland Park, which is the epssed, their opinion, thatthas Scout. headquarters for the nôrtli sembly of 25,000 boys firom ery shoe re w11beclse o .ed.iook and cranpy of the land wi do nesday 'afternoons. The offce v1muht estabjish understanding. tol- close at 12 o'clock f'lOl. erance and 'ftiendship 'upon Nvhii.ch harmnonjious'business, relations go. jAMBORLECt diain1 au In a blaze 'of. glory and color, the Ct dctoa au Washinton jmbore started on Educators add their :belief ta Wednesday with a huge parade down such an exýperience as the Jami-borer Costitu~tion avenue, Twenty-two and the trip to and f romn incident to north shore Scouts were in that lit will hav'e educational values eqtxi. parade and have been camping on valent to a year's schooiing. the jamboree site since Sunday night. Fathers and mnothers see niew op- The Scouts arrîved in Wash ington portunities opening to their sons at after a trip to Niagara. Fails, New costs far below anything they hiad York, and Philadelphia. Thiey ýwiII be dare d hope for, while the boy-s-them- back on the north 'shore on Satur- selves are receiving n.ew inspiration dav, July 10. throu gh contact with historic shrines in Washington and through visiting PHY91lCIAN the functîoning center of national Dr. D)avid Wecaver, a child specialist goverimnent, vwhich vvilli build towards AL ratrptr1ipiaanetrn1re ician. for for participating citizenship.' Many New Trier High! Schoo-1 StudentsAre', Helped by NYA Funds That 43 students at New Trier Tovvn- ship High school wr aided in con-. tinuing their studies through theNa tional Youth Administration of the federai government was reveaied.. this week in a report. of the school year Scoutinig by all men and wvomien broughit about by thé d iranmatization of. the things Scou'ting is 'doîng for b)oyhood and look forward to, an eVen greater interest through' the powerful. and cornpeîling dramiat iza- tion of the Jamboree encaxnpmnenti- self. Làf'e-long Benefits Scouting leaders, under the direc- tion of Walter W. Head, president of the National council of the Boy Scouts of America. and.IDr. Jamnes E. 1521 Sherma-corner Grove .. vansion UNI. 2820 a ïnionthily total of $,616d.77 in the irst camie ne to 'pay for. rjis. tuition at case and $2,059 in the second case, and Camp Ma -Ka-Ja-WNani, where lie Nwih the National College of Education, bce a camper with his'troop the first where 35 students were aided at a cost period, Art' brought in a smnall box, of $261.10 per. Month. .In ahi, nearly f ull of Pennies, whichi when counted $2,000,000 was 'spent in, Illinois during totaled $10 There is one Scout who the year by the National Youth agdmiini-wil appreciate beyond nieasure his. tration, figures show. camping experience.ý 95

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