- 'ON SALE W UNTIL $ATURDAY NIONT 1937 SPRJNG MII-FUD FRESH DIRESSED .lb LOAF lb.'2,5c lb. 121 Pe Cheese WISCONSIN lb 29c * lb. Staff Photos < > When the crest of the flood oc- casioiied by the heavy rain which, D vdB ade eel fel uce ao at wiayfialY Plans to Produce Own reached the Skokie lagoons area, the - east diversion ditch. of the Pic fures This Summer Skokie drainage froje.ct carricd a With the reopening of his Bradley flo,iq., o f t'r zcjhih t the north- theater. David Bradtley jq annnuneirig Nelso'n B. Pl street, is againa day fishinig tript 0- and other niystery- thrillers, with a ce, 828 Sixteenthi few Lon Chaney pictures. A better home after a five- seating arrangement has been made Spooner, Wis. ini thé. theater, it was, added.