l o n g a n d n e c t i c w o r K i g 1 u i V Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week. There Is -No Substitute'f or Pool &Piper! W.e cannot over-emphasize the 'mportance of this .,statementi You can buy ýshoes forckldren in mn stores, but STRIDE RITE SHOES aeé sotd exclüsivély by us on. the- North Shore. They cost littIe or no more than other shoes, and in addiflo'n youit know tihet they havé..been correctty fMted. increased appropriations, thle public welfare department alone receiving anl increase of more than three mil- will be stopped next Wednesday an effort, was made by administra- night in order that the hour of mid- tion leaders to pare down the Uni- night ýmayý not force adjourniment. versity of Illinois request for. funids Fire crackers are being purchased in to permit a 10 per cent restoration anticipati on of the closing.hour.s and to salaries, in the lower bracket punishments. of. ail kinds are: being grotips. P lannied for too talkative members. State Aid For Schools There is smali consolation When> Friends, of the university ini both. the temperature in. Springfield hovers parties won. out in the. appropriations .around 100 degrees ini looking at ppe omnite. whjch have been installed for an air The state school distributive f und cooling system i the'house chamnbers was ?assed upon by the house appro- and ntecm.ite rom when priations committee as it w'as recom. t he machinery for senidinig cooling -mended by.the senate for $l7.200,00.- breezes over weary legisiators is lack- The increase'over,.$13,O000,000 goes to, ing., the high schools as state aid. Here-, Variety ,of Iterests tofore onily, grades one to eight iii-- Subjects of legisiation brought up clusive h ave received state' aid. f or con sideration this morning (Thurs- The heaviest, battle of' the weék. dayrersn a varietyý of interests- wa s on -house bill 286, which increasied pawnbrokers, nurses, school buses, the benefits under. the Workmen's ~trucktstransp1ortiflg automobiles, ULdi- Compensation,.act.. This bilil, unlike cal examination of workers in. restau- other compensation measures, had rants, annexation, appropriations, flot been worked out between indus- eniasculation of criminals, and the try and labor and thierefore lost a licensing of detective agencies. number of former supporters. Maniy Practically, ail appropriation bis opponents felt that industry was be- for .departments of the state govern- ing overloaded in the present session ment have been passed. It is inter- by the passage of the eight-hour day esting to note that ail appropriations for womeni and the unempioymeflt for schools, common, normal, and insuirance bill whicb is sure to pass. . Cnnli'rtorg Arrive in 100en Sum mer Revue WaIk to the corner.. amtorne back with OCEAN perchl By walking to your nearest Birds Evye Foods dealer you coin bring home fish seldom - if ever - box G 1 ALL 3 ITEMS J'Il rival this. week of a carl oad of modern air conditioned refrigerators. He' also stated. that 125,000 of these refrigera- tors, known. as Coolerators, are now in use throughout the United States and are being rapidly installed in, many north shore homes and food e st ablis hme nts. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Miller of. Stuart, Iowa, arrived in the village- BIRDS EYE FOODS STATERUSH-CEDAR STS. SUPERIOR 0760 No*%ý that the Arctic blasts ofttins summer have been relegated to the limbo of' weather that used to be, Frank Hutchins is presenting the Iatest edition of his Villa Moderne revue in thenew outdoor garden. The piece de resistancé of this new show,% is "Tarzan, the Human Ape," and the famous animal trameèr.>Felix Patty direct from Paris, France.> Not only Europe, but Australia and South Africa have been astou.nded by, the mnarvelous routine and superb in- TO ATTEND CONVÈNTION Dr. and Mrs. Harold P. Schildberg of 312 Sterling road, Kenilworth, wilI attend the forty-first annual convention, of the American Osteopathic association, at the Stevens hotel, Chicago, july 5 to. 9 inclusive. 0 CHILDREN'S NEW StJMMER HOSIERY J and4 for 1 PC3DL ç PIPER2ý 1608 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Uni. 0973 67,0- 1'.11