Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1937, p. 112

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9:00 a.m.-Preparatory service for Holy Communion. 9 :15 an,-First service, with HolY Commnunion. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday school. Il a.m.--Second service. The order of service at Il o'clock.will include the foliowiflg: Preludeý-"Hymfln of Gloryý" . .Pedro Yon Solo-'.The Good 1Shepherd'"..... ........ Van deWater Offertory-Pastorale....W. P.'Bach The Sernmon- 'The Christian and. H-is Governiment". ... Timothy 2 :1-4 Posilude-March........Mendelsohn Announcernents for. the Communion service -at 9 :15 wilI- be received at, the peasofage on Friday from i to 8 P.m. Sunday's sermon w111 take ,cognizaiice of the' fact that Sunday is' aiso Inde- pendence Day, reminding us of the- blesa- lnigs whicti we havein this country, as citizens and as Christians; remnindink us, too, of our, obligations as Christian citizens to preserve those blessings. Lord. while for ali mnkind we pray, .Of ev'ry clime and coast, Oh, hear us for our native land, The land we love the most. Lord of the nations, thuâ to Thee Our country' .ve commend - ]3e Thou lier Reèfuge anid< er Trust, Her everlasting Frlend. Wllmette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, mninister On Sunday miorning. we begin our unlted summier services, ln which Ken- i iworth Union churchi and First Con- gregational church of Wilnmette wlll join us ln the Sunday morning worship at 11io'clock.each week. Dr. John G. Hlnd- 14p.v ili rea'h fon .uly 4 concernllg. Pastoral care wiil be arranged for when neede&.. by caliing the pastor's residence., English Lutheran Seventh Qtreet at rnlf -A F{OUSE OF WORSHIP'l The Rev. DavhÇI R. Kabele, ipastor. Sunday SerVIes Early service ..... 9a.m. Churrh echool............9 -a. ni., Second service...........il1 a.Mf. The music for the Servces ofWorshlipi) next Sindav iiorniflr te as follows: OrL-an Prelude- "Andanlte, 5th Symiîphonv Beethoven Qilirtette-WP Cannot.Always Trace the, Way .........Prtheroe -Jov Wilson Dressler Postlude-"Aleierfl,1 iSonate Gtilmant VictoriaMeLeèod-Mh1,iitl' of Music, The Womian'ssoci'ety will meet On Thursdfay afttl.loon of this weei<'At fthe church at 2 o'cloek. Mrs. Franik Hayson wilI prseent the' work of Our Church in Allierica.,Ms Kabele and Mris. Jaehne wili be. the hostes-nes. Quartett eeaslhU'dYevening The Church school will continue throuzhout the sunier mionths. conven- ing at 9 o'cloc)(k. A series of fine pro- crames have been arranged;. 1Next 'Sun- day morning we will study the "Life (of, ('hriqt" with illustrated Ilides of paint- ings by «Hoffii)an. We Invite ail to attend our Churelh Sehool durlng the sum1i1ner mionths4. Two services of Sunlday norning. 8 o'cloek fôr tefi pienickers and tii' tsi re bel d . e Early service't venience of cles Miss Araxje jorjorian le fepresentifLgý St. Au gustilie'5 at ra ten-daY uý onf . renc<e of church workers of the doeswhich bégan last londaY at Racine., isan<l Miss Winifred Norris Is attendiIi;, for a montix the National Côào.noee for Church Workers. at'Evergreen, Colo., The rector officiated at the funeral of Mrs. . B. 'Shapker o-onaandla t the wedding of Miss Jane, Engelini thie church, yesterday afterxoon.. Jack Swveeney of. 1420 Maple a~venue is attending thxe National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts ýin 'Washxington>.,1J. C. as representative of St. Augustine's Troop No. 4. Pirst Cngre gational Rev. John G. Hindiey, minister. Sunday service il a.m. in the First Bapfist churcix.- Foxest and .Wilmette avenues., Dri.,Hindley preaching (in "We Believe ln Our. Country." This is a ('omri-nunity Suxnmer serývice in. wiich the Baptist, and Congregational churches of< Wilinette and the Union church of Keniiwortli prticipate. 1 4~ e Dr. fHindley 4s the rsdn iiise for the moxiti and la, available forias toral services in. ail three parishes. Hie will be te, guest-preacher in the lapti.st pulpit throughout July. The -ý,ork on thxe newIy--designed front approaches bas been ttijthorized. Sub- scriptions for this Special Fund and fcr the General- Chur-ci Support mybe placed on the. plate at thxe tine of thxe nior.ning offering or nîailed directlY f0o the churcih office. recognize the change that lias tak-eîi place in its patients during the past quarter of acentu ry.. Covcring 20 acre-, along Howardl street on. the. northern limnits of (1<' cago. the institution xvas fou.nded iiM 1909 to treat"lhéart.,atxd lung diseasecs. In' recent years the character -of t he hospital lbas changed froru an inistitu- tion for the care of, specific diseaqes. to a sanitarium for'the..treatmnent, oi heart and nervousý ailments« and f or the care of perso nsý requiring rest and- diet, superv is5ion, as well as, for. casecs, involving aged ore ixfirm people who. require gr eater nursing care than is obtainaible.in the home. Gif t From Patten For the.first time in its long histor,' the sanitarium will permit doctors :in private practice to bring their patients, to the hospital1 for personal' treatnîent. The'late James A. Patten gave th e sa nitariu its $250.000 100-bed bid ing in- 1912 in mienlory of his brother, George W., Patten. Dr. Herbert W. Gray, formerly assistant professor at the N9rthwestern University 'Medica] schooi and for six years a staff physician at the Cook Counity hospital, is the medical director. Birchwood Park Sanitariumi is. oper- ated under a "Not-for-profit" charter. Edgar B. Baumann, 279 Linden street, Winnetka, a member of the Board of, Trade, is president. Ralph WV. 01111 stead. 5339 Ferdinand street, Chi)- On August 1, Pastor Alilson wilI1 re- turn from his vacation trip and preach ini the Baptist churcix. During August lie wili -be in the pulpit at the Congrega- tiônal churcix. Severai ýyoung people arealready look- ing forward to the, Baptist Sumnmer As- sembiy at Conference Point, Lake. Geneva, Ju.Iy 25 to 'August 1. Others are invlted to c-onsider this fine opportunity. Miss Vîrginia 'Dalstrom hlas prograins and information. The Junior Luther league %will lmeet on .Tuesday evening, JuIy 6, at 7 :30 o'clocki. Attend a worshlp service ever'Y Sun- day during the summier mOhs ur' services are for your conveflienice. Met/hodist Church Wilmette avenue af Lake avepnue Rev. Amos Thornburg, rmnistex' Dr. 1. G. Whitchurch, profeýssor of various classes: to. be cond1ucteld byvx- pert teachers. Howard P. Poucher, director of Wil- mette playe-oun-iid< announced a iiew plan under which children would gov- ,cri theinselves. The WVilmette Homie Guard pre-- pared for an elaborate celebration oË july 4th. Hoyt King,. 711 Forest ave- nue. \vas colonel. ;.- - T-I- à A T post company, is secretay. rtii T. Meeker, 1100 Lake Shore drive, Chicago, president of the Arcady Farms Milling compainy, is treasurer. The other directors are Dr. E'tlîax A. Gray, Greenwood Inn, Evanstoxx. founder of the sanitarium and mnedical director emeritus; Ralph B. Mitchell. 529 Willow road, Xinnetka, coal operator~; Henry J.. Patten, .Deerpath Inni, Lake Fore.t, retired capitalhst; Paul B. Kelley, 527 Abbotsford road, The Sunday school meets at 10 o'cl'ock. .Ater a brief openiiig service. the classes are comnbined for study of the Bible. Seholars of other churches whose Sunday schools are closed for the sumxier, wil b. welcome in our schooi., The, Aduit Bible clasa: is increaslng in attendance, and la studyig the Book .of Revei0tion uünder fthe leadership of phone nu m"... .. nonceda seies t bot raes tr-juy-)s fotor a speciai summiner course. Lundin or the church office iitnniediatelY. .1 , asrisofba rcs.o jl . ho The. Summner Assemnbiy programs are ThmaleivrsytnofKn- Ms:A S. owyadfal, now in progress at the DesPlainesCampi h aldlvr sseio ei- Ms A .Hla n aiy Grounds. There wiil be a Young Peo- worth, which had just been inaugurated, 1227 Elmwood avenue, left last week ple's Week-end lnstitute Juiy 9 to il was rapidly beîng whipped into machine- for the east. They motored.. to long and Juiy 16 to 18. The opening serviîce. of the Chicago District program, with like efficiency.. Beach, York, Mainç, w'here they will ]Bishop Waldorf as speaker, will be heid . Architects were employed. to., draft 'visit Mrs.. Holway's brother.. From" Sunday, July 11, at 3 o'clock. The Con- plans fo _)ehds ficplteete -lg.to0.sevlc as, fer ence Commission progràrms will be fr te Meois EisoathrteywlgotOtrvlMas, heid daiiyfrom July 12 to 17. The Chi-, churclh edifice. to spenid the .sutmmer..

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