oi Litne vomnsf1t ý-s..r.i.an n per..fj.S- ance union. During lier stay in the United States, Mrs. Barton also visited ber other sister, Mrs. Jean Dnnlop. This year marked the fourteenith world's, convenftion out of> the last sixteien that Mrs. Barton lias at-. tended. During ber years of travel. she has visited -practically every coun- try in the world, inicluding the United. States six tirnes, and Australia three tinie s. As a stauncli prîh ibitionist she was clected president ofthe district union Of her home town, Glasgow. Re- cently legisiation was put through ini Glasgow whereby ail the public: bous- es are now obliged to close, at a six o'clock curfexv. This«unusual achieve- ment was due to the arduous efforts of Mrs. Barton and her colleagues. Sees First ýLady While hiere in this country MIrs.' Bartoni also had the opportunity of intexrviewing. Mrs. ÏFranklin T1). Roose-~ velt, w-ho is also à mnember of the W. C. T, U., and of speaking over the radio at Pittsburg1s, Pa. "Next vear will be the Glasgow exposition at which timne the latest inventions from ah over the World %vill be exhibited. At this timie also people w.ill have the opportunity of seeing the city that is reputed to be the niodel city of Great Britain," sai Mrs. Iarton, "because of the FRYNOCHUCKENHS. Donald A. Bloom, soitn of Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur G. Blooin,ý 1337 Eitmwood avenue,ý Wiimette,. re-. ceipcda Bachelor of - Arts degree from, Antioch College on lunfe 26. He specialized in the field of busi - nress administration. In accordance with the Antioch "co- operative plan" of baîf of the .year .in school and the, other half on a job- -getting practical experience, Mr. Bloom lias been eniployed during bis college course by the Indianapolis Water corn- pany as a laboratory assistant.; by Bloorningdale department Store, Brook- lyn, New York; and by the Lybrand Ross Bros. & Montgomery, Chicago, POT ROAST TENDER' BEEF, 24c, SLb.TED lb. -29c LAMB ROAST Bornelssý Rolled. Genuine Sprn 4 %,to Ï lb. avg, 2 LEGO ofL AMB' Genuine spring quality, tender, delicately -fiav.orsome. A great roast. -7 to 9,lb. avg,32 lb......... (P'resh int Free) BABY LEG 0F LAMB. 5 to 6 l.b. avg., lb .... ... Pure Veal WIENERS R{eal Red Hots- 2,-- 59c, 6'to 10to lb. . - COLD MEATS.45 A-14 RTED-Fresh sliced, lb. 45 SMOKED LIVER SAUSAGI. 39 Very finest, lb ....... .39 Another gre.at.W.apsie Valley ýqUaie value. ,Lusciou s eating. Yresh' dry picked. 2X 4to 2!/1 lb. ag Split,- re ady fo r the pan, each à7 Famo us' Wapsié Valley Mllk-Fed Quail- tty. Tender, plurnp,,delligus. 2"for F'resh dry'plcked.fo ý.STEWUGHN Milk-Fed Wapsie Valley Quality. Fine also for fricassee and. salads. F'resh dry picked. 4 to 41/ lb. avg., Wllson's Tender. Made HAM "The ham you can cut with a fork." 12 to 13 lb.39 avg., lb ............ 9 SWIFTS HAM "The.aristocrat of all hams."l --or- MNrs. Mackill, plan to leave on Aug.ust] 20 on the' Caledonia to go back to Scotland. There Mrs. -Mackill w.ill miake anl indefinite visit .with 'Mrs.. Bartoii and hier rine children at RETURNS WEST Mrs. s. S. Thierman bas just re- tùrned to Portland, Ore., after a six vionthis' visit iii Winmette witb her son, 1. B. Thiermian. and family, of urer, a meniDer of the ramtc and mn's housing comniittees and a hall advisor for undergraduates. He is a graduate of Central Higli scbool, Omaha, Neb. TITLE FIGHT With the resumption of c( Sunday niglit for the mi.n racing championsbip at Speedway, Addison street n ern avenue, interest willhik peit n SALMON. pettin ancy. dNo. '2 et auto Monarch Red d cans65 N. ...................Lh.39c N LOAF for Sandwiches ...Lb. 29c mer Cottage SA FOODS! 1 fMACKERAL. ve 2 cans'39c - Onily Melons............. e, each.. A~.u ~ Kpeneý Haif 49c 1 Large ' me, each. . làdons 2 No. V2 cans