Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1937, p. 9

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tournament. beginniing at 10 and con- tinuing to 3 at HoweIl Park, Stewart avenue and UHartzell street, and the soft bail game' at Ackerman park at 1.0 a.m. Track and novelty events beginning at 10 :30 a.m. will be held on the grounds of- the. Lîincolnwood school. 'rhese, include foot raceýs, 'basketbaii throw, nail driving, contest, mechan- ical, umpire. contest, cracker eatinug conitest, volcyjbali kick coits, i eating contest, sack races for both boys and girls, baliooîi blowing con- test, and' egg, tossing contest. Colorful Parade The parade wiII begin, at 3 p.mn. Mîon- Clay -in 'the- v icîihy of Marcy avenue and Central street, it is atinounced by Guy M. Pelton, chairman of the parade. commnittee. Residences and business. houses along the parade route will be festively decked with patriotic buiit- ing.. The parade itself 1wïll provide a pageant of colorful costumes. uni- form s~ and floats. Gates of Dyche stadium xiii opei. at 7 p.rn. fo- the daylight show, pre- liminary attraction of the evening program. Spectators will be seated by' trained ushers under the Ieadershiup of R. J. McFerran, chairman of the sta- dium committee. Miitary Display The show will begin at 7 :30 wi 1th band music and a demionstration Iby troops of the 6lst coast artiliery f roml Ray-Huff Richter Photo GU R. Schaeff er, 1203 As/z Street, [Vinnetka.sailed Iast iw.eek où the Quen M 3ary for France to attend the World I4dzei-isiiig convention o/'eni .ng ini Paris, July 5. Mr. Scha~effer, «dzcitLisiiignd salers *promo tion manager for Marshall Field & Co., lias been chose» to spcak at tihe convention on "Retail -Id-vcrtising in the United States." He wili be abroad abou a mont/î, and before retztrning will visit Lon- don as wI~~l as Paris. __ \*orld war ; and, for the children, out- linies of popular heroes inciuding.1) on- HURCH 0F CHRISTt,s Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMErrE, ILLINOIS Sunday Servces- i i a.m. .Wednesday-Testimonià1 Meeting-8, p.m. Sunday Séhool Exer *e-945am Julv 4, 1937 S-ubjet: GOD READING ROOM-z 133ÇCentral Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday). 9 A. M. ta 6 P., M. WednesdaY 9 A. M. ta 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. ta 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and alôcher authorized Chtistian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or pprchalsed at the RJea,4;ýnj Ro( THE PUBLIC Il COKDIALLY IN4VITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH IERVICES AND VI SIT THEE ADING ROOM 4#t'Jt40fr 4le9 Fourth of JuIv Speciels .s.ýL à..lune acuai Vak Lare. Thie powerful lights, which are used ini conjuniction with sound. locators to search out enemny planes, are a ne-w. feature of the program this year. .Lighter entertainmiient featùires wil1 hegin at 8 with a show staged by) Toyamna Japanese, versatile artists who xiii performn sensational feats of foot jugglinig, upside down balancing, bat- rel kicking, intricate flyovers, and acriai tumbiing. A feature of the eni- tertainrnent will be a dimi iuti v japanese girl contortjonist biras, grotesque , igures andi tail, long-niecked giraffes. Hiistorical Figures. Historicai figures and symnbols will be commiemiorated by a blazing Amer- ican flag, Revolutionary .w.ar scenes, a portrait of John Paul Jones, and the old. Evanston dock. A tremend-: ous Niagara Falls in fire is aiso schieduled. <c ELECTRIC FANS Rangels tram b j .3 $7 -95 > NOT SOAP NIKOT 011 teaves your hair soi Iustrou.s, olluring. 9:SmaII 4'99 In addition, several other new fea- tures are anticipated,- according te Thomas F. Airth, publicity directoi for the Fourth of juiy' corporation. Trhe show wili inclùude a historic action picture of, the Bonhomme Rich-, ard and the Sérapis in battie; Lest We Forget', a tribute to. the heroes of the Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'C. Kinne,, 1,324 E imwood avenue, accornpanied by Mrs. Kinne's brother. and sister-in- iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Snider of Forest Park, ieft Tuesday to motor to Kitchener near Toronto,' Canada, to visit relative.s. They will be awa-y for, a week. Wilmett, and Central Phone WU,îmefft 20 Large

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