Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1937, p. 8

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lea:ve foi MET H OD' SFËCIAL, Mon', Tues;., Wed. Open fusdyEvening Jerrel R ea uty Salon 1105 Central Ave., Wilmette 2066 This Week's Special Fresh Peach IceZ C Cram ............ z Ridge Ave. Phormocy Lake enid Rdge Rad presîclent, electeci to serve for .a period of one year, but lie is flot thie le. ader of,.Christian. Science. Mary Baker Edclth icoverer and Fo-under* of Christian Science is knowni and 'acknowledged by Chris- tian Scientists as thieir one and only leader. In the Manual of The Mot.her Churcb,Aril XXII, Section 2, under the lieading* "A Member nlot a, Leader," o.ccurs. the folloWing state-, ment: ."A. member of The First Church of Christ Scientist, ini Boston, Mass., shaîllot beý called Leader by' members of this Church, wheti this term is used in connection with Christian Science." Since.rely yours,. Harold Moiter, Committee on Publication VISITS RELATIVES Pat Doyle of Detroit, Mich., .is speiiding several weeks wi.th his uncle and aunit, Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Pen- lierthy of 1524 Wilmette avenuie. Pat camne to the village with Mrs, Pen- berthy wben she returned .recently from a trip to Michigan and Obio. Mrs. Mabel Root of Youngstown. Ohio, rettirned witb them to spend a few days wjth the Penberthys. Mrs. Mrs. Clark E. Nolan of 920 Elin- ood avenue is leaving soon for tianta, Ga., with her two chidren, ommy and Virginia Ann, for a two eeks' stay with ber mother, Mrs. -alotte Venable Bgwell. C411 Wilmitfe 316 Snider-Ccazel Drug« Miss jane Drucker, daughten of Wilmtte nd on ,fra Mrs. Henry W. Drucker, 1125 Mo- WiIm.1. en ~.ntaI hawk road, lef t Tuesday to spend a C ali WiImaftt 400 number o f weeks at Timbenline ranch Springfild trom the seventh district (Chicago suburbs), lias an ancestor who, more than a century ago, settled in* Sangamon county, near the present state c a pital, was revealed last,,week in "State House Notes," a columni) con-, ducted by Bill Day in. the Illitnois State Jouirnal, Springfield daily. The ancestor, Mr. Day, declared, is Barzilla (or Basel) Clak, areo- tinaysoldier, born, in Pennsylvania about 1750. Nancy,.biswife', was also a war 'hero,,and- she was, at one time confined -in a f ort- for: two wee ks where she li-ved 'on. parchedcorn and water. *Clark, a private in the Pennsylvaniia militia, was about 70 years old, accord- itig to- Mr. Day, wben he moved to Sangarnon'.county.- He,,bis .wife,, and seven children, were among the earlyý settlers of that' portion of the s tate. 'Clarkdied inl 1840 andj his widow tbre >-ears later. Mrs. Van der Vrie,. a native of Kan- sas, knew about Clark %when shie ap- pl ied for membersbip) several years ag o iii the Dauighters of the American Revolution.1 It was onfly recently that M.%rs. Van1 der Vries received a letter asking ber4 for information about the location of tbe1 grave of bier ancestor. Thus, far. she" Allan Stahi Has Part in Music School Fete Allan Stahl, of Wilmette, took part in the thnee-day festival, June 23-25, of the Chicago Musical college, Where lie is a student. The festival was staged by faculty, students and aluruni from cities throughout the country to celebrate the 70th anni- versarv cof the scoolý -om 1it.y . ;hares iii the to investor s C. E. Cliffton,,Jr. anywherc, lbans are restricted to' stric tly bigh grade real estate first mortgages in t he local territory, Mn. CIlifion stated that tbe Wilmette asso- ciation has shared largely ini the progress noted throughout the state. The report fnom whicb the figuresý4 are taken is given henewith: a fast pace in this state. 1'Direct mortgageé bans for con- struction, purchase, r.econditioning, and refinancing of 'residential divel- lings iu Illinois, madle by these asso- ciations, incneased beavily during the past twelve înontbs, the reports re- vealed. These loans totaled $34,987,-. 927 on June 1, 1936; the total bad isen to $47,562,81-3 on june 1, this yean. an increase of $12,574,896. Pay Like Rouit. This is the sixteenth of a series of Editorial Advertisemnents appearing in this papeT each week. Copyright --WILItU his rer and ner son, Mrs. Nor- roau, rKenilworth, pas been home for man Dally.and Norman, Jr., of Glen-. the past two weeks fromn Yale uni- view. They motoned to the east and versity wlienelie. lias completed his tiplan to be tliere until August 1. Jack sophomore year. The first of August, hEdmonds lèft Sunday witli James A of tlie members of the Cherry Hall of' Rogers Parkon a motor trip family will be gaing. i4p to Leland, to the Black 'Hilîs and Denver, re- Mich., where tlieir sumnier cottage is turning home in about. two weeks. located..

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