Anew princiýple of driver-vision ta a disiguishing fa ture of the Lm",coln»Zephyr.V,'12 - i hi aecar the cenerofgraw a xrmeylw,'yet te view of the. roa talik th the _ti.ld hýgh-built automobiles Investigatetud. m.. Note& how it has been worked out. E VE a prsonof mail stature cari see the. rogd perecty fomthe chair-height meats of the 1937 Lincoli-Zephyr. Womc« drivers especially amgaining aew driving confidence amid today's conditions on the boulevardsuad streets of our cities and sujurb4..In the Lincoii-Zephyr tii.y cari judge exactly where tii.y ame and how alose tiiy ame to other vehicles This new viduon-angle is not just an extra feature &Ad4d to a zmotor car. LÀke many other isuprovemmnts, is ié made pouW. only by the, a4rnèd doligoôf cthe la*ncoin-Zphyr àasa wholi. Car-minded peope wAli rec- ogmm i»tii. drring th. firit few minutes of exainination and. trial. If cIi.y have known many cars, iocluding foreign motors with unusualI shapes and fittirigs, cheir îninds will click with approval of the Lincoin-Zephyr and the. way its k:,g. las woven toger-her new powrei as SULBqand eomfort nu .body of che Licoln-Zcphyr la not Set Upcn a pOan -CO-poict tips. The reserve, power of its. 12 -cy 1- igider erigine, the road-hugging qualities of ilu Iow b&inoed design and extra-long "'springbase " .-a11 these. combine to ma 'ke possible a high amrqut driving speed wichout the necessity ofý a higli :.pqd at any iy re From ail quarter.s ad from ail kùxds of people, corne cributes t th Lincoln-Zepliyr of 1937 Try drivig i younself-this u« r of sieck beauty and impressîve. performance. T&y 1: on his, curvies, cor- rugated roads, crowzied roads. Note that it handles as NEW LOV PRICES CD~I~:ricd» ébuarranged th7ougb Avthorsed LUnvirs.ui CrIdit Compa#y Rnanct Pians e, .0ISPLAy AT' £LL LIH LS N RCL IPY H LlHP J à i"f Y ~v~i p:JL 'A "Y