lock on schooi morn- Il o'clock, he addecl. LNCe: Tlie 'i."*fa UnodeaAV. U lvime.: os J(ere.. FUMED C nome', se top pîgno, Lry; rol. Phone 7-ltpi WTD. TO BUY-MISOEILAN~UU THROWING IT AWÂY?WAIT!, Weý buy& pay best. market prices for ail. ýJunk. .Papers. magazines. fÙrniture.ý Junk Dealer Goidman Ph.. Wilmette 5426 132LTN4-4tp .North Shore Salvage AREYOU.MOVING OR CLEANING. bouse? Don't throw .away or give away your excess baggage such, as rags, papers, books, mags., furniture, brlc-a- brae. Top prices. Winnetka 1522. 132LTN5-4tp Junk Dealer-Phil Schumnan. Hlghest market. prices -for paper, rnag.. . Rags $1 per 100 Ibs. Also buy' furn. bathtubs and old iron. WILMETTE 744.ý 132LTN4-4tp :WA!iTEI LADIES SECOND-HAND BICYCLE. FULL SIZE. GOOD CONTDITION. CALL FRIDAY. WINNETKA 2888. 132L7-ltp WANTED SECOND HAND SNARE drum in good condition. Cal! Keni- worth 5563 between 6 and . prn P,- i . T.7 _1Lj Brownson Circle Outing The annual summer outing of the Brownson circle will be a luncheon bridge at the Ridgemoor Country club Wednesday, June 30, at 1 o'clock. Members and. friends may make luncheon reservations with the social chairman, Mrs. Pr'entiss McKenzie, 192Farwell avenue, up to june 26. Patronize Our Advertisers VISITORS IN WILMETTÉ Mr. and Mrs. Johnl D. Cox, Jr., anid their baby, Judith, arrived, f roth leir home ini New York City, Monday. They expect to: be here. two weeks. and will visit.Mr. Cox's parents., Mr. and' Mrs., J. D. Cox of 1316 Maple avenue,,, and friends' on, the north shore. Mr. and Mrs., Cox senior te- turned -last Saturday. from a: two weeks' motor trip in the. west. Thev were at the, Grand Caniyon, Carlsbad Cavern in.New Mexico, Pike's Peak',. Sait Lake City, and Los Angeles. Just before this trip Mrs.. Cox had been in the east visiting ber two sons. RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. 'Ste- phiens, 2134 Chestnut avenue, anid thtir son, Roger, returned the latter part of last week f rom a ten-day motor trip to New York, Pennsyl,- vania, and Boston where they 'visited friends. Mr. Stephens madle the trip. for business reason-s. During. the month of. July Mr. and Mrs. Stephlens and their three children, Joyce, Carol and Roger wil1 vacation at Manito- wish, Wis. GOES TlO EUROPE seven weeks' trip to Europe. Fyf e wiii travel wi.th a, group of Trier High school students and G. Delaporte, a memiber of th-e ulty ofý the high schooi. ofi a, M r.. New~ Patul f ac- TELL YGOU rV .- ITS .f. C.0UN T RY C LUBM lu the heart ot the Skokle Dundee and Sunset. Ridge ..,. at SkokieBoulevard LTION Co. ~bOkj4At~* 1