ures up to the 'former achievements of the gifted menibers of the cast. The director's work has beeni compliment- Ad highly. Waikiki Wedclig. Paramnount pic- ture, directed by DavidButier, and. starring Bing Crosby, Shirley Ross, Bob Burns, ýMartha Raye. and George Barbier. :Valencia ftheater June é'27, 28. Previewers have leen- unaimious ini their -enthiusiastic recoînnendation of this musical comèdy,, which boasts *a.good plot, unfolding smôothly anid naturally. The Hawaiian sceneryati dc mfusic' and niatfive dcaniciiig art de- lightful. The .Unaffected acting o (f Bing.,bas' been especially iked anid theý casting of the entire film comi- inended. Bing plays the part of.a publicity man foro of the islaîids' lea(ling Wake Up amd Uve. 2th Century- Fox picture, directed b>' SIidne Lu-l field, with WValter W\iîicbell, Ben Burnie, Alice Faye, -Jack Hialey, .Pat- sy Kelly, and Ned Sparks. asi thuater, June 25, 26, 27, 228. Teatro del Lago, june 25, 2(', 27, 28. 1There is not a dull moment in tliis uip-to-date musical . 1BETTER FILMS GUIDEI Key: A-Adults;. Y-Youth, 13- to 18 yýears of age ; C-Children, 8, to 12 years old; LF-Etire Family. Community House June 25 and 26-"Penirod and for F. Sain," Teatro del Lago J une 24-,,N'hei Love Is Young," for F.' june -25, 26, 27, ý28-" W\ake Up and Lirel," for F. June 29-"M\outitaii Justice," for A. Wilmette Theater june 24-' Magnificenut Obs'esioin," for A and Young A. June 25 and 2-LtThiein Live," for A and Y'oung A. j une 27, 28, 29-"History- Is Made a t N'ight," for A onlly. lune 3O \Te omnan 1 Love," for A only. Three Air Stars to ,Who has the femnininé role opposite George Raf t in the inautical. saga, "Souls at Sea," is fixing to buy her- self a little farm in San Fernando valley. Her parents, old-time French vaudevillians, who trained Olympe -in thieir profession since she was-eight, will run the place-just as they"ve aywvays dreamed. WrhenHIe Wants Things_ ,He Don't Mess A round Ernist Lubitsch, had, the long est reach of any producer-director iu Hollywood. I3y telegraph he pîcked 108 russet, long-sternmed - Holland tulips in.:a feld near Astoria, Ore. He had themn placed in an air- plane and. raced to.Hollywood to adorti a piano that Marlene Dietrich plavs in his "Anigel.".. Ttilips of this type had -been used on1 the piano in plevious scenes. When the local supply becamne exhausted, Lubitsch order the flowers be flown in fromn the closest spot theyhappen- ed to be available. P honea Wilmette,- innetlca 8900 Doors Open Mon. Thir Fr1. 6 P. M.-25c TiI 6:30rPu. M. BARGAIN MATINEE SAT. 25c-1 :30 P. M. fo 6:30 P. M. Thursday, June 24 YOUNG, Virginia Bruce-Koant Tiaylor ,Walter Erenuan Feature Startýs 6:15, 8:f15. 10:15 Fr!., Sat., Sun., Mon., J4Ine 2&U-27-28 Ben Berulu FeatureÈ 6:1j Feature Sta 4:15, motion 1)p1ctu r e The perfection of detail xas espe- cially conimented upon hby the critic of the B e tte r Films couincil and Alice Faye rinor situations were as careiully. plannedj as the- more important se- que nces. the -urst tulle. lll The tlirce, Marv Livingstone and important *Fibc MGe ad olyarc makinig donina." their screen debtuts iii -This Way, Pleas e," %\itli Charles, *Biudd<' Rog.-ý cr s, Betty Grahle& and Ned Sparks I HELPS DE MILLE Dan Sayro Goesbeck, noôted Coast artîst, 15 sketching scenes of Cecil 'B. De Mll' he Buccaneer" to 7 assin catnera "sct-ups." 1 Your 1 Ma- F'avorite Brands-Ice- Cold WILMETTE ICE CO. Loretta Young Tyrone Power "CaRe Motropole" 1120 Central A4ve. WiL 39P2 àiyvlý YUir i KLEER RICtO - SYLVIA*YT yCENE9 AT iz:3u r.. mv. Show Stanssol 12:45 P. M. DARGAIN MATINI dieu & Mon. I&5, Sun. 2:15, 10:20