the grou<ids, everythnmg at Arden Shore, niear Lake Bluff, will be in shipshape order for* the opening of Suniiiier camrp Wednesday, jpne 30. The road .into camp bas been re- paired. the main kitchen is 'spic: and spani %vth néw linoleum, paint, stove and refrigerator; the new-hospital is conlipleted. Thc, Chicago comx nittee g1ave the rnonçv 'for the hospital building, arid the equipmnent wvas furlislied by gifts from the* Glenéoe Gardencludbthedonatons. Keilw1%orth, Glencoe and Highland, * Park oiitcad doain f roi genrerous friends. Free Transportation Soune five hundred mothers a nd children will *arriv e- at. camp ,next week, their tranisport ation a, present fromi the' Chic ago and North Western and the- Chicago,, North Shore and M.ilwvaukee railroads for a fortnight's vacation from the heat, dirtatd .noise. of Chicago's tenement districts, the happiest tirne in 4the'yea~r for~ ail of them, to be spent enjoying life out in one of the Ioveliest spots along thc inorth shore, just north 'of Lake. Bluiff. Walks through the woods, pleasant hours on the beach, and or- gauized recreation are the order of. t 1 e dayv. The second group arrives july 14, and. five days later, ori July 19. the annual summer picnic, to which al board and commnitteC e ienirs and camp: grandçlnotfleis, -IItn1iiU.Iil vou iigs ter s. Announce Leaders Mrs. Robert B. Gregory is 11ono- ar~ pesid ,)iofthe board, and Mrs. Hcrhert S. Nock, president. Other of- ficers and comminittec chairmeniiun- clude die Mesdamies Richard E.-(;anl-- 1rill. iir., Pliclps Kelley. Harr3: A. Selr. Walter Straub, Willard Thayer' Roy l". Bard, Thomas J, Fleming, Burton W. Dupue, Roy R; Marnuardt, 1lius A. PetersenY, Clark cait ,) ic i luu Bishiop and Mrs. E. L. Waldorf of 941 Sheridan road, left Monday 'Nvitl' their .daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lynn 0. Waldorf, anid ber two children, Mar,, Louis'e and Carolyn, 214 Nin.thstreet, ona mtrip to Thousand Islands, Park, in ngrthern New York.. They Plan to be-gon fo'r about ten days. c SUMMER ýSUITS PALM BAC k 'J' A huge selection of America's most famous "Cool Sui ts." Whites for vacation, sports and informai evenings- darks for business wear and trave1ingý':' TROPI-TEX ~25 Orringf on and Church-EVANSTON'"Open Tues., Thurs., and Sot. Eves. 2 Hrs. Free Parking ai National Evanston Garage Sherman Ave., Alle'v, Near The Hub's Stores.