Mvueller; put.ts, Mrs. J. Corcoran. 1Members-fiÉst low net, Virginia Ingraham; second 10w net, Mrs. E. W. Sarnpson; third iow, net, Mary Lou Dillon; putts, Mrs. Fred Bowmanw 920 N. Michlgin Av.. Chicago. MooaSuperor 5695ý Fieeop Presdes Over Moraine Cusne and Service.ý EiLiE HOPE Miss -Hope offers you new din- ing enjoyment -. that indefin- able something--that touch of artistry which malces each dish a culinary rnasterpiece. Ilere, too, is complete relaxation in Our cool, oheerful dining rooms. Complete luncheons or dinner--a la carte selections-at prices that are pleasing. THnmE rHOTEL MORAINE HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. PHONE H. P. 4444, fl'hitte lace over satin was zcorn bv MViss Bessie Rezde.k, daughtero Mr. and .Mrs. Vacla.v Rezdek of Wilniette for lier rnarria*qe June 12, to Frank J. Muno, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Muno of Rogers Park. A coronet of Illes o! thc vallev held ini Place a. tulle 'e il, .and she carried bridai orchids, giardenias, and lilies of the valley. A4fier a z'edding trip throu(gh Canada, -Ifr. Mîiiio and his bride arc;iozz' at homne iii Rock ford. 1 Double Occasion i-illua ica4 l J AI*ics1. Ctti g 1a ioian lr sp was in blue mousseline-de- soie, and few, gl 9oiadla. pr the other, Miss Betty Schoneberger After a wedding trip through Can-l ofNies Center, in, turquoise. Miss ada, Mr. and Mrs. Muno are now at M-ichelau. carried blueé iris, talisman 'h ome in, Rockford. Printeil Bemberg Jacke t 0uu., Just arrved-molce your choce from a selection of Navy, Dubonnets, Black and Whites or Ginger:Brown. $1854 1147 w;tmss.e Avenu. "Dresses for I.. III Women" h Phone WiIm.ttI. 340 U 1