witn an aaciress on rPreparation for Peace." It will be presented like thte others, in the series. in th e great hall o0f the Firstî Methodist church,, Evanston, at 8 P. M. Dr. T. Z.,Xoo, son of a for- mer Chinese ambassader> to, the Utnited States, ,and traveling secretary *of the World Students' *Christian fed-. eration is lecturing Friday night on "Today's -Trends in the Orient." Thursday eveniing-,Pierre de Lanux, from 1924 *t o 1934 director of the~ Paris office othe, League of Nations is the spaer is -topic being "Demnocracy and International Cooperation.". Before his ýappointmentf to the Sen- ate in 1926 to fil an untexpired termn, Senator. Nye was -a crusading North Dakota -editor. .fie has tw ice been re-elected, and won world-wide notice by b is first munitions investigation, çpnducted in 1934. Hie also pr.ssed an extended inquiry into the affairs of the munitions makers last year. RaiIway Head Dr. T. Z. Koo served nine years as. an exécutive of the Chinese national railw~ay, and -was a member of the second League of Nations opium con- ference. He is a member of the China National committee. During. the last few years he has traveled over Occident and Orient in behaîf of the World Students' Christian fed- con terence as a. member oi thç tatt of Andre Tardieu. Coming to America for the first time as. a menmber of a French government, commission in 1916, hie has been hère many timnes since, and is said to be regarded in France as an authority on America. David Krafthefer Is St. John's, Graduate Miss Annette Williamis, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter. H., William, 614' Earlston road, Kenilworth, a freshman at Milis college, Oaklan'd, Calif., the past year, arrived home Thursdaýy. of. last week ,for the sum- mer vacatiOn. 1IN -6 -.COýLORS TeIo w Red hue hock Gr.ehd Ivory <t' -»,~. y~I é%,~. E'* WÀ