and sndais mode of the. sturdiest, rnost flexible lomers eccordi ng fo strict Pool1 & Piper. specifica-: fions. Broing the. children in today. CHILORENS NEW SUMMER HOSIERY. 3 an air;s $~ .114 POD & IPER. 1608 Chicago:Ave., Evanston Uýnli. 09)73- Dia& WILSON>& Co. Staff Photon >Twuo pieces of good news receiitlV c hecred north shore ,vachtitnetnwho *th is sprin.q faced an abruf't end of boa tinfi. The state of Illinoais recentIv undertook the dred.qin.q of Wilrnette ha>rbor to imake it once more usable alike for amateur spoirU.»en, andfor the .crw aofithe local coast guard, sgatiovq. Then, in the foreqround, on the >ortlî ba>ik of the harbor, is scen the parti V conmpleted neur. home of the Sheridan Shore Yacht club, also a recmit devch'p- ment. To the right is the coast guard station. I Christian Science f Churches *t "Is the Universe, -Includinig Mali, done; he conimanded, and ih stood fast" (Psalms 33 :6-9). Th e besson-Sermon also incliuded the following passages from the Ch ris- tian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"- hu Marv Baker Eddy, "M ind. su- with al that therein is "L.euteron- omy 10-14).. Arnong the citations which con'- prised the Lesson-Sermon was th.e fol- lowing f rom the Bible: "By the word of the Lord were the heaven made; and ahl the host of themi by the brecath of bis mouth. He gathereth the Waters 1152 Central Avé. Wlet 2 J.e I wori LU woi(jLLIU 1..JLI4J2 witL Ii.P Mind, without the intelligence which holds the winds in its grasp.. Neither philosophy nor skepticism~ can hinder the mardi of the Science which reveals the supremacy of Mind" (p. 209). ,Mr, and Mrs. RudoIph Statifer"t and their daughter, Louise, 111 Cenl- tral Park avenue, returned home Saturday from a two weeks drive to Colorado Springs,. the Black Hilis Il Block West of Crawford NILES CENTER Wilmette 320 ridide made mm