Hormel ýMadrilene Soup, Fine soup, like this, serves. as an invigorator1 on cool or worm daysw- De- 1 icious .chicken :and J f tomafo :consommne-fiC Doz. 1.69 1-Genese R MasI Browned ChiHe, clikor Use for tomnato --ilual% We o aspic beenc hilled anid is sgeI au-naturel or in comina- 3 24oe. fon wtth tomate juc- _______.ins35 .. 1.I02%.25c > eneseo J 0oatcoCocktaI Aprfecfly delacious, delicèeeI sea- sone.d tomafo cocktil-ý Chili and serve before luncheon. or difnnr- 5 for i .0ý-26-ozw 2ar Uneeda Dakers Dé Luxe Assortmentofs A wonderful picnicér' dessert package Ful miany-.popular "Uneeda" favorites--Social Teasi Sulfonas Tokens, Lorna Doones anid others. Package of *ver 66 cookies- oreos, 3c A Few Suggestions for Menus to Serve During the Week l'o Corne ,l Tomaio Coc,ku;; Il-Grapefruit Juice I[I-Fresh SIkrimp' Cocktail IV-Madrileng oast Beef Roast Lamb Broiled Lamb Chops ..Baked Pota hed .Potatoes Browned. Potatoes New Cabbage-New Beets Baked Halibut-I J White Turnps Harvard Beets Tru-Blu Blueberries Slaw Zole Slaw Fresh Prunes in Syrup Blueberry Mv d Cantaloupe De Luxe Assortment -.CommodorE Commodoe TEAS, Oieasingly ýblendedl, ref reshincg- Iy fragranf. whether servsd steamingj hot or iàcy cold. Green or ORANGE PEKOE- 3 TEA ýBALL- fin of 5- oe Soup -toes New Boots vufns e Tea RIE ROAST Of Be Tender, juicy and refains ail ifs fIa., wbether if is roasted rare, or weII done. SmallLarge- lb.-35 LOIN LAMB CHOPS So invifing when broiled and1 with new cooked cabbage or Harvard bees- IL serve d.. 53t ENGLISH'LAME STEAKS Large, meafy and perfect for ~ individuel service- lb. 37C Vifie-rlpened, lusoious fruîf--Juicy, sweet and ready, fo ea- Extra large size-'2f NEW CABSAGE The new cabbage fis so good, whefher serve.d in, slaws or coolced and served with meltd buter- head -23c 2for 25 c Winnef ka 711 lnStreet Winnetko 51 Wilmefe Ci, 402 Liiiden Ave. 1508 Jarvis Ave.1 WiImefte 151 Rogers Park 01.18 JUNE 24, 1937 iagoI 3959 BroadwayI Buckinghaom 2000 -~ I HoIUad Pearl Cocktail Ornions For a eifferent andi thorOughlY oppes- tizing hors d'osuvre--ChUi and serve as they are- 6 for 69cZ o25