We Invite You to Drive This Great N.ew Economy Car - Now ACF ý:MOTORSLS GREEN* BAY ROAD Like JNC. AUTrH*RIZED FORDb AND LINCOÔLN ýZIPHYRl DEALUR ýWjLMET, E 535-536 Phons :GREENLEAF 0535 Wi"tb the Srns Full Your coal mnoney scores the higbest value when you buy during the summer months. NOW prices are iower! NOW quaflty is highestl NOW deliveries are cIanesF! NOW is the time to fli your coal bint W. have fresh stocks of the fines+ grades of Goal and Cok.'n the sizes you require. And every ton is guaranteed to gfre you complet. satisfaction. GUARANTEED COAL - COKE FUEL OIL Phones Wilméfft.A300.,Winn.tka 3386, Glenco. 75 GRlenleof 0634 Uvoosl'@fl.