rectifv it by nieans of a riot of slap- stick Comedy. ,Whon"s Your Birthday. R K( -Radio licture, directed by Harry Beaunîounit %vith Joe> E. Brown,, Mariati M arslî, Fr 'ed Keating. and Su zaànte .Kaare. Coniimtuitý,thecater, june% 18, 19. As anl atrologer, Joe -E. Brown again turns out anl entertaining~ film for' the famhily. Supportitg atst are well cast. The opciing techl- color stôr- of the heavens is an origi- nal idea,. well liked bv 'the previewers. Goofier eveni than. the usual run of Joe's pfictures, thisý latest howl, ini m-hicli Joe is ail amateur star -ga.zer. get: hîm ifito trouble. A professional sportsniati adopts hlmn because lie seemis to ble a lucky mascot. and the women (as uisual) figit over hlmn. Marlene's Black Is Combined With GoId Stili the most exciting ciothes pic- ture of the hour, "Angel," with Mlar- lenie Dietrich, offers another in terest - imie frhg lighting a black1 (limi gown. On a two-piece, floor - lemath dinner costume of black- crepe.l Travis Banton, the designer, lias used a crutshied piece of metal cloth as a crIss-ross lacine- lt) te frnt th LEARNING Co lin Tapley, contract plaver a 1 Ix-aring as villain iii such productioi Wi, d Money," witli Edward F, ci-vit Horion, lias perfected his .Ati encan gangster" 1lo by readii detect ive magazines, overcoming ti handicap of New Zealand birtli ar dictioni. fi...STARý Li BiIarrviore is the star- of '.i aii, . ffair,", thse .1etro- Iliv'r ;II -.1. 1 A, ; HOW SHE STARTED Marlene Dietrich's career reallv L.sta rted whie n she read aloud "Death Mns and the Fool." .bv the Germian poet, riP . Hoîannistalil. and because of tlic ng1 pleasure it gave lier, persuaded lier ýhe mnotlier to aîlow lier to enroîl ini nd Maxc Reinlîardt's school, she revealed to Ernst Lubitsch when hie directed lier in "Aigel," combination for this purpose.. In "This Way, 'Please." 110m'.in production,, Miss Livingston serves ably 'and gracefully as a bridesmaid in, a.slinky gown of blaëck crepè over which an embroidered, transparent organdy tunic is worn.. Her'hat is a la rge black straw with black and white daisies clustered aroiund. an open crown,: Edith Head,. studio style expert,> designed: the out- fit and boldly uses black, and, white' synthetic daàisies for the bouquet. TM WRITE -Max Ifiller. erstwhile Water front reporter for a San Diego niews paper, who acquired first literary fame for his, autobiographical ,ýI ..Cover the. Xater Front," was signed topreparc a screen treatment for "Rule of the .Seas," planned. asa iiajor .produc.1ou for uîext season's release. SONG ENDFD Siniging "H-o-Yo-To-Ho," Bruinn-, hilde's battie cry ln -Die \\alkure," Kirsten Flagstad, world-fainous Xag- nierian soprano, hias made lier debut ini motion pictures ini a scene ini -The Big Broadcast of 1938" phiotographied. iii the Eastern Service Studio ini As-, toria. Long Island. 114 cnarterec i . or use inii miiiI Tide," based on the thriIling adveniture by Robert Louis soli. tale of Stev ,e n - NEW GOWN The newest gown ini Claudette Colbert's personal %vardrobe is a whiite crepe evening dress with a surpl-ice bodice, circular skirt and Phoite WMIlmettie -Wnnetka S900 Saturdoy% Matl-neieI Aduts-25c, to. 6:30 p. m Thur'.day, June 17 Paul Muni Miriam Hopkins Fri.-Sat., June 18-19 THE CITY"9 Edw. G. Robinson m Luli Dette Sun.-.Non.-Tues, June 20-21-22 4kOIALL If à DAT" SOlivia de Havillanad Anita Louise - lan Huaiter Wed.-Thurs., June 23-24 "WEN LOVE il YOUNG 9- Virgini Bert Lah of a utuùres ý 1120 Central Ave. Wil. 3902 SCENE" F'S 3ABY69 'I .1