s u1)s t a i t ia 1 ga:ins. This is parti c ularly truc of sales iivolving ain al cash considera- An ail% of the years si lce 1933.. the low point o f t h e depression, has teinimber of these cash sales fail ed to sho w Joseph SIieIIy a substantial increase over the' correspon ding. iiionth in anv. prcvious year. The increase iin the niumber of, actuail sales closed, through the Es- crow departmnent during the -first twcnelt%, wee.ks of each year sinice 1933 lias l)eellas follows: * Incre ase for the .1934 period over that' of 1933., 17/; 1935 oVer 1934, *57;1936 oe 95 1,~ 937. oyer, 193(), 74r,. Joseph Slîellv, of Wiilmette, man- al-er of the Escrow department of Chlicago Titie and Trust comipany, cals attention to the fact that the percentage of increase lias grown progressively each v*ear for the puriod covercd and,. whereas the in- craefor the flrst twenty weeks of 1934 wvas onlv 17e/< greater th an thec correspondiing period for 1933. the increcas e for the 1937 period oveir the year previous was 74"/(,. icit < hw to a greater degree the type I'f thmaMcions-whieh ii-é;'akiiig place(ý ilhn dýo the figures~ of the number of i ran.fer'ý reported hy officiail>source . Even during the tow point of the depre,- siin the nunibeir of real estate transl'ers w -sr~<~ as substantial but rnos~t )f the.'ze %vere tra nsfurs t(> avoid foreelosure anddefeîeûyjudgnients and th-si~ tifltOfin e"uldfl ot be made t<> 'howv tho NMr. Shellv also calls attetîtioli to thic rela tiveir hIigh percentage ()f1 xvas 17< ,I . Tic nr.st îenv vcek *period of the currcnt. vcar shov *20 1, risc over 1930.> "The nominal tnt rcase inithe dollar volume of cash sales wvhen coînparcd to the large incr.case ini the numiiber of.cashi sales, said 'Mr. Shellv. "in- dicaïes. that the, sales are now tak- ing place ini the srnalier' propert ies." lower iii- basis witho references. estment. Car S 't ~*** Il 8 ,~ -I dlinner reacdy when you get home! 0 Stay out of the. kitchen this Summer! Put your dinnaer in the electric roaster, set the Mark Time Switch-and spend the afternoon ini solid comfort. When you get home, your meal will be cooked to perfection. ,eaèed..Jnudftookngwand141 Central Avenue,