VVa.Ds ne. .iu ruda 4L.irrn II, jLII 11, at the church. The newly elected officers are: Mrs. Lorin A. Bower,. president; *Mrs. H. E. Coyl, religions education representative: Mirs. CIîeiiS. Roberts, social chairman; Mrs. C. MV. Cozzens, tre as ure r; Mrs. William. A. Durgin. corresponding secrtary;- Mrs. Fratnk Scheidenihelm. iflowerchairman: -.Mrs.. ýHenirv, Hausefiani, housc chairmaàn.* The officers w~ho have servcd one- year and haveý one- year. longer to. serve are: Mrs. H. S. Davidson, pro- gramn ch airniian ; Mrs. G. M. Brooks, miss ion ary , hairman; MNrs. W. F.1 Aver, recordiing secretary:. Mrs. F. 1-I. ÇGUiy, calling chairinan. T ht: outgoing oficers are l~ C. L. D)arling. presidlent: Nl'r>. F .A. C. Smith, reigious education repre!seit- atîv: Mr. Fowar Mîlersoci.al ultiairianti' Mrs. Wv. G. Mitclhell'. cor- resporiding secrtary;: Mr>. C. A. Carpeniter, fhcIieairmian : M rs. il. R. Stiith.i bouse clhairnian. Dis.larling ,hlas been ntade a înemtber of the cooperatîng h, oard of the Vontn'sFellowshiîp. Edil+î M. Lewis Is College Club Head The ivChicagocollgeclub lhonored Miss Lini Fuhr, w/to recentiy re- tuned froin Spainz, wzhere,,s/te was hcad nifrs o f one of t/(le four' :1 încrican Base Iospitals establiied il ar Vadirid bv the llédical Bureýau fIo Aïid Spapish Dcnrocracy, wilI' -cl<ite lier exVper;ieniices there, at a uueInto be icid under flic aits- piccs of, l.tp.' jrth Jj1orec chqpter ThuIIrsda -v c'e Ilig. le 24, at thte lîoine of j1îrs. Allfred K. tri your friends and -felow-villagers be- fore thé annual summer exodiis be- gins. Everyone is welconie. so. save the date! "Th e Junior guild held its, last meet- ing of the-y ear on Monday ,e-vening, at the :hom e of Miss Dora Burrows 216 Myrtle street, M innetka. The. inemw< by-laws we.re discussed and. adopted., and .Mrs. Amos Thornburg led the-devtions.-J. B.. Hoiessjfo Mission:Club Mfrs;. Edward, Hoff man of WiI- mette.. treasurer of the, Rosarv Cu Il. entertained the- members: of her clçub at a. luncheon meeting* at ber hôme on Tuesdav, Junie 8. The club.,. one of the Technv clubs-, made onie of the items of interest duiring the, i mfectin- the 'news of the missio~iarwork in Honan, China.- IXUI'IJ.Virginiia Lang, graduate of ýthe Amnerican Conservatory.'of -Music, an-. nounices a series of eight weekly classes in music appreciation and Represent Movie Stars creative music for youing children. These classes were established at the Gloria Thybonyv, 731 Central ave- suggestion of mothers desirous that nue, will celebrate bier eleventh their.children's summer recreation in- birthday ý,nuxt Saturday with a garden clude' at Jeast one constructive educa-: pariv. and bas asked each guest to tinnal activitv. Classes begin the al tde M ton,. and the chairman of the prograin coniittee, Mrs. Charles R. Simulons of Keilw%,orth w\ere the hostesses. Xcvofficers. ini addition to .Mrs. Lewis. who is, a Wellesley graduate are Mrs. Clavtoii Hi. Redfield of Oeak Park, second. vice-president and a graduiate of the Unýiversity, of Chi- cago-, Mrs. Sumner Koch of Chicago,. front the Unliversitv of Clhicago, and corresponding secretary: Miss Xir- ginia Gundersoli of Oak Park,.treas- by the chairman oftht~e buigcon mittece, by jeani MacLachan, presi- dent of the Student government, by the alumnae trustee, and by the presi- dent of the college, will be incîuded in the ceremony which will be beld in connection with the annual. Ivy 4ay 'exeÉcises., a CHICAGO: can receive constant adldi. tions by this: most conveni-, ent plan, "Place Settings"Ir each with two teaspoons,- one luncheon fork, one SEICON4D FLOOR 669 MICHIGAN AVENUE NORTH U.S~PA' Ç2jour J/; Ve r