in a Chiffon Gown Trimmed in Pearis- At the home of hier mother, Mrs. Thomas Cauthorne White,. 310 Richmond road, Kenilworth, Miss Loretta White became the bride, of Charles Peter Jaeger, thue son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Seyfarth of. Highland'Park, last 'Saturday evening. The bride ýpassed down an aisIe'ý formed. oi candelabra and two whïite rose trees to a background of. huckelberry where the cere- mony was performed, by the Rev. Herbert Willett of the Kenil wrth Union church. She wore a gown of white Chiffon made with, a yoke trimmed in peari beading, and a cap of beaded chiffon 1rf~whh fell a long white tulle veil. Her flowers were white .orchids and liles of the valley. .rs. John W. Hubbell of New York, the matron of honor anzd only attendant of the bride, was gowned in aquamarine blue rrousseline-de- soie an d wore delphinium in her hair. She carried a small tight bouquet of deep red roses edged withi delphinium. With her dress of aquamariine lace at N. U. Settiement Annual Style Show Having, entertained their au- dience with a showing -of:'stvles. of. a decade- earlier, at their ani- nual style showlast year, the mnembers of the Winnetka board of N'orthwestern university set- teet are planning a stili mioreý novel f eature- for this year's show,. to be held. Septemnber 25, at Skokie school. One of t .he committees, wvith Mrs. Howard ,W. Fenton at ,its head., is busy with ideas for.presen1iting the fashions of 1947.- forecasting their conception of the vogue f that period. These and other plans for this an- nual event were announced. Monday at a luncheon at the Wornan's Ath- letic Club by the publicity chairnian, Mrs. Whipple Jacobs, her co-chair- man, Mrs. W. Ogden Coleman, Mrs. John P. Hooker, chairman of the show, and the. co-chairman, Mrs. Harold 0. Barries. Other chairmen for the show in- clude Mrs. Austin jenner and -Mrs. Edwin C. Price, models; Mrs. Martin Lindsay and Mrs. Robert. S. Laird, The bridegroom's brother, Hlarold H. Jaeger, was the best man, and his. step-brothers, Hugh M. and Robert Mf. Seyfarth, tushered. Wearing a dubonnet going-away costume Mrs. Jaeger, and her hus- band, left for the east to sail for, Bermuda where they will honeymoon for three weeks. When they rettirn they will live ini Bannockburn. DuBois-The Drake Charles Peter Jaeger, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sevfarth of Highland Park, and his bride, the formner Loretta White, dau.qhter of Mrs. Thomas C. White of 310 Richmond road, Kenilworth, have sailed for Bermuda on their wveddinq trip foIlozving thecir marriage Saturday, Jline 12., W/zen they return thcv wvilli make their home in Bannockburn.. The bridc's gown, of 7vhite chiffon, ivas triin mcid zith a yoke of pearis.. A cap bcaded ini pearis heId in'place a floatinq veil of tule, and she carried orchids and liles of the 'allev. Randail, inv 'itations ; Richard A. AishtQn, tickets; Mrs. *Ernst 'Von Ammon and Mrs. Robert Butz, stage, .and Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, Jr., and Mrs. W. Edwin Smith, exhibitors. Rockford Club Plans lea for 1937 Seniors InI eA a&llerno..'~, .The womnen's golf event for next Tuesday wi11 bring. prizes for the choice ofý best nine holes, and for lipw gross in classes A, B, and. C. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Halversen of. 2017 Chestnut avenue, have with them their niece, Miss Helen Lund- gren of Chicago. Miss Lundgren is recuperating f romn an appendectonuy. tertained at a buffet dinfner and party Wednesday evening in of Mr., Powers' birthday., i A. J. Nystrom, 714 Central avenue, will be host at a dinner party at Shawqlee Country. club, Friday eve- ning of this w'eek. He will entertain the board of directors of the Lincoln Belmont Y. M. C. A. Mr, Nystrom is. a memnber of the board.