A second. engagement bas taken place in the Frank Wil- liam Harvey family in.the month, of June.. At. the wedding of her very close friend, Miss 'Mary. Lynch , and Richard*D'. Cagney, which took place on June 8, an- nouncement, was .made of the en- gagement of Miss Wilma .Har- vey, daughter »of Mr s. Frank William Harvey,,.II of '1035 Grecn.wood avenue'. Wilmette, to .Gunther* Brandes, of New York, the son of C. 1H.. Brandes., Miss Harvey was a bridesmaid- in the Lynch-Cagney wdding party. It was just two weeks ago that Mrs. Harvey made known the engagement of her daughter, Kathleen, to Michael Putrnan of Evanston. The two sisters wilI be niarried soon, Wilma on Au- guest 2, and Kathleen in October. Mr. Brandes will take bis bride to New York to live. He was educated at the University of Freiburg in Germany where lie re- Miss Louise Hickrnan, 1322 Green-- wood avenue, entertained at a lunch- e on and lingerie shower last Satur- day ,at,,ber home* for, twelve of ber friends,, ail of. who m were out-of- town guests with. the exception of Miss Verna - Parkhurst of 1450 Laké* aeu.The sbower was givrn in, hon- or of Miss June Rothschild, of, La- Grange, who is to, be marriedîii Oc- tober. Miss Rothscbild and Miss Mary Torkcilson, of Evanston,. were Miss* Hickman's houseguests. over' the. week-end Miss.,Hickman plans t o léave Saturday for Torresdale, Pa., wbere she will spend, several weeks viiigwith ber aunt, Mrs. J. RoW-, lànd, Jr.- Bride in September Carlos Photo Mrs. Frank Williamt Harvey II, 1035 Greenwood avenue>,.Wilmette,' announces the engagement of her daughter, Wlm a, to Gunther' Brandes of New York, the, son of C. H. Brandes. The wedding will take place in Aujùst. Day of Are Thée ýengagement and ap- proaching marriage> of Miss Helen Woodbury .Holton ,of Winnetka to Edward. Charles, Walter of .Wilmette. was an- nounic-ed Saturday at a luncheon Miss Holton gave at Skokie, Country'clubfor twenty-four of bher friends., mi 1ss Holto n is the daughter .9f Thomas Hamilton: Holton of,938 Pitie Street, and hier fiancé is the, son of Mr. and Mrs. E..G. A. Walterof 525 Forest avenue, Wilmette., He is a graduate of the 'Northwestern, Miii-, tary and Naval 'academy at Lake, Genieva, and, of Lake Forest college, and is now engaged in business in Chago. , Mis~s HJlon, atended Swarthmore college in Swarthmore, Pa., and later studied journalismn at Nortbwestern university, wbere she became a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and of Alethenai bon- orary iterary society. Since leaving college, she bas done fashion copy, and short story writing. The wedding is planned to take place Saturday, Septeniber 11, exact- ly one year froni the day Miss Hol- ton met Mr. Walter, when be was. a guiest and she. was a bridesmaid{ at. Northwest.ern university and was a among those entertainitig in honor mnember of Pi BetaPbi sorority. She of Miss Elizabeth May Clark, wbose is a granddaughter of the William approacbing marriage to Richard C. David Mcjunkins of Winnetka, and Antes of Detroit, Mich., son of Dr. Mrs. E. S. Harvey of Chicago. and Mrs. F. L. Antes of Detroit, on Saturday, June 26, is announced by ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Di~ner IsLasi of Clar~k .of Evanston. inThe at the Winnetka Congregationaàl churcb. Following their wedding trip, Mr. Walter and bis bride will make their borne in Evanston. Is Engoged 4Y- F'ied's9 June 9. Miss1 of bonor in the ý tobeî, weciig of San iFranci take place in 1couvegc. Miss 1Benson is a memnber >r of Kappa Delta and Pbi Beta Kappa ýo and Mr. Rowe's fraternity is Beta >Theta Pi. - No date bas been set, for the wed- ding. The engaý Rae.my Beni Clarence Ht G range is aî lier parents, William Be, avenue. No 1212 Woodb:ne ýg date bas been. iir, N.J aber was arty.