SU'm'mer SchooI. June 21 st [TiORTICELLO *- Accredited Junior College for girls. A rich cultural back- ground has set a high intellectual stand-' ard for Monticello. However, the aim is flot only the acquisition of' knowledge, but the full development of the indi- vidual. To this end the school ollers instruction in e,' the classroorn, life in~ an. at- acting service_ in the Armyar crp and in long range. trans-Pacific flights, according to H. O . West, chief of enýgineerinig for United.. The Mainliniers, which mark. the first. passenger landplane installation of the 14-cylinder Wasps, have been flown 'more than 2,000,000 miles1 since being placed in schedule in Decem-' ber, wîth a record of performance described by Westas "outstanding." 1The,,twin-bank eéngines.enable' the Mainline cruise at 190 hour utilizing only,62 per cent poweri, making possible 15 113 hour coast-to- coast flights with only three stops. With, only one engine in use, thé' fully loadéed 12-to». transport cati climb to 9,500 feet, and its twin-en- gine ceil ing is 24,000 feet.' Flyipg te Maininer power plants include constant speed propellers and auto- matic mixture control, which United engîneers pioneered, as a standard feature. Tests are now being con- d'ucted on the company's flying iaboratory with a new type fuel f eed system designed to eliminate 'the1 ordinary carburetors. .1Te ine chose the two-row en- gifles for installation on its fleet of CHIEF PILOT Ragnar T. Freng, million-mile vet- eran of United Ai'r. Line's coast-to- coast airway and the country's 'fore- inost pilot in the field of instrument- ianding developmeiit, hias been namied chief of flying for. United, it is an-. nounced hby President W. A. 'Patter- son of Kenilworth. Ris appointment coincides with expansion of the flying of- United Air lines, arrived at Chi- cago recently, to take, over bis new duties. as manager of -opérations .for, thçomnpany. .in his. new. capacity, he will bel in control of operating policies and practices, according to President W. A. Patterson. He will shortly niake -a coniplete inspection tour of ;United's New York-Chicago- Pacific ýcoast and Seattie-San ýDiego. airways. AT CURTISS FIELD B. D.- De Weese, president of the Stinson aircraft, corporation,,and his son, B. D. ýDe Weese,, Jr., were visitors at Curtiss :airport -for four days. First drill at its new base at Cur- tiss field was held by the naval re- serve aviationi squadlron last Satur- day. In 1all, 18 aircraft have. been assigned to the squadron, and of this number, seven are new Grumnans, five are older "heil divers," and two are Fledglings. There are a number of amphibians as weil. Formation flying and dive 'bombing occupied the ture of the flyers. Space hias been leased to the Mignet syndicate which contemiplates township were listed among the grad- uates .at Purdue university last Sun- day. Diplomas were' presented by President E. C. Elliott. Governor M. Clifford Townsend, of Indiana, made, the commencement address. Local students included: Jane Russell, Glencoe, home' eco- nlom îcs. Eugene P. Berg, Wilmette, mechan- ýi:i ei ne rn 1, ,Miss Shapiro was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholastic or- ganization, for outstanding scholar- ship in the work for the bachelor's degree. The total number of 'eresaward- ed by the university in its fourth and last convocation of the academnic year was 880. SRobert M. Hlutchins, presider t of, the University, conferred the degrees and, delivered ,the..convoca 'tion ad- dress. Harold G. Moultonl, presÈident of the Brookings -Institution,. was awarded an honorary.LL. D. degree.* Dr. Moulton is a Chicago alumfnus. Glen Cote Thrift. Shop Holds:',HaIf.Price .Sale' Ail clothîng in stock at the Glen Cote Thrift shop, 659 Vernon avenue,' Glencoe, has been reduced in pricu 50 per cent for a 'halT-price sale to bC held Thursday, Friday and Saturdav of this week. Some excellent 'bar- gains will be obtained' in meni's and w oxen's clothing, and infant's and children's Wear. Hats and shoes ,vill 1)e included in the sale. Mrs. George Heidman, the chairman of the pricing- coxnmittee, is in charge of the ar- rangements, assisted by M,\rs. George Pretzel, the manager of the shop. Mrs. Charles AÀ. Steee s rharnian PR OMINENT Representative 9îix. pilots: vvaiter .1 division; W. D. Willi B. SIMONDS er.n division; Harry E mèet, Chicago, Ille division, and Reuben ____________fic division.' 1.taEE ~A ~W 4LK. lowiiig Johin Spencer Norrington of Glen- astern coe, was awarde.d one of the Mc- -west- Phersoti. prizes for general excellence estern 'in scholarship at the fifty-ninth, an- Pac'i- nuai commencement exercises of Lake 'Forest college Saturday, June 12. She has served as president of the Womnen's league, as 'an officer of the League of Women Voters and the In- ternational Relations club, of the Wom-" en's Athletic association and the Young* Womnen's Christian association.