Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1937, p. 25

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th-e Supremne Court has haU "a change 1ioOves us to assumne the task in order- of heart." Those seeking to dis- that every citizen will have an under- credit the Court. in the public mind standing of ail thiesè clever arguments cmpIoy the ingenious argument that emnployed in the present controversy. the Presjdent's bill has intirnidated Il is truc that the Administration, tht' rnajoritv ot -the Justices, into a ilost the AAA. case. wbich deait with 'ibrizdattitude." Ilt is designed th e taxingpoer ofCnres0n to suggest bvý. innuedo,,that.'the Courtl.tliat >it won the Social Sec r it.y1 case, lias rcsp onded, to a threat and 1 as hc uodat ihtetxn *Stop(lto onlur.power ,of ,Congress. It is also truê Effective Argument that the. one décsioni came before the \Vh iie the argu Menit is unfounded, Pre.sidenit's bill mras subinitted and the il is lnonle the iess -effective. -I is other-camne after. Howvever. this one eff ective l)ecause it' is based on1 a importanit. fact comipleteliv refutes the, çontinuity' of, events %vith whichi the argument that the Court was ,lin )eOipIe are faiiar. Ilt is effective beý- -ifluelcedl tedcso i h Sca causé it ^takes advantage of the ,iack Seccurity case was based uponi the of infornmation on th(: part of the peo2 cour ,t's Opinio11 il, the, AAA case pie as to the càiistittutiotial distînc- when it hield dleanl and dcfiinitely. lions )IetwNectî cases, for flie first- time' that Congress hart l'le avérage mail docs flot have the the righit to collect taxes andl to spend tlime. facilities or disposition to, li-i Imonev -for virtualv wat ver pr quire. iito. the refiierments of con- poses ut plea-ses so longm as it is not stittitoniai picpc.Hè railyan- Cseta areguiatory' scbemne. alv-zcs deîsons W iscover the legai Ili other words, the adverse dlecision preinuies ron \hichi thev arec'based. lin the AAA case served as th Vas, As a inatter of fact. 1 seiousiv doubt for the favorable dcîisuon in, the So- if more than hialfif th eiembers of cial Securitv case. 11, subsequelnt C*onlgres thcnmsce's. wyhodaiiv deal atclsIshail ldev'elop i-is fact in %vithl th( Constitution, have ruad the more djetail. recclit op)iionsý of the', Court ill theirj elitretv. N. C. E. Sophomores Court opinions îIs. for the miost part. Pick Class Officers, liniterl to the l evuent itsclf. Fuw 11Ws Icforc dlosinig ihein books for the îacsrep)rint te l)i.loIsor carry ,tiiiimier vacation. mlemnbers of i-be silll1l.ied Studjus . of thucm. ihat 1i s oioorec cass ai- the National Col- inaicrial more. appropiate foi- Ia'1V luge of Education elected ciassmates ursin tme u&isussîuu and tne passage of -man-y of thebis. In 'the House on Tuesday night sentimental regard for a veteran member produced enough votes to paýssthe.biIl introduced by Represen- tai-ive' Benson of Ottawa. The pur- pose of the bill that of regulatio n of' realty investmients, was unquestioned but the creation of an office of superintendient- of realty investments wyith. practically, unlimnited power caused..mai3 nv embers to feel that it wvas unwîsè to tie up politics and the il.nvestmnent business.. The. bill car- ried, no appropriation provisions for tibis new office either for the, salary trict during the scnool nours of eacn day there must be on -display a United States national flag and that the oath of allegiance i-o the :flag mnusi- be re-. cited,. once ea.ch school, day. This bill also does not provide for eûforce-, ment.. Up-to-date*i-he general assem- bly bas madeno provision for miany schools .Which, may not be, able to open their doors' in the fall. The in- consisi-ency of the flag, and, oath of aliegience bill is that ut does ,flot apply to private or parochial schoëls. They, will be alowed i-o teach patriot-, ism ' as they teach readi ng, writing and arii-hmetic according to their own pedagogical wis domn. -tý-AKING A TRIP? See Our~ Fine Selection of VACATION LUGGAGE eOvermight Cases H Iat and Shoe Boxoes *Wardrobe Cases eCamp Truika KAEHLE1L'S LUGGAGE SHOP 1421 SHIERMAN AVE. EVANSTON "Wc Repair and ReftnsiLAUl Makes of Trt&nksand GCases" th;at so'nm( otlCr Act xa,ýdeclared ini- vai.I-te kno\\-t-bat o<iN av 27, I)?.the \ R A \viis dtliared iunconl- qîltltionlaal .iii ai..o i-beAAA on Janl- 'av6 I)6 Il ic a v eragie citizcnl kîîovs Ii i th \dninitraionlost flhoseAtwo limportant cases.ý Wins Two Important Cases, ýHe furthcer knowms thiat 'n Feb)ruar% 51937, i-he Presidenit suhmilitted bis Court reýorgà izatl in planl to Conl- ,ress anid that ml Apnil 12 follo\\iing. tlcNationi a 1bor Relatiols Aci- Mss Helen Ljuuiggreni, daugliter of Mn. and Mrs. J1. A, Ljuinggren, 71b B numnel, street, Evanision, ,was eleci-ed to the office of ciass president bY the studenlts,, and. Miss Margaret Coonîhbs of. Oak Park will serve as \'ic e-p re sidecit. . The class secretar-v -vii be Miss Latini Deerinck of Hinsdale, and i-be trecasurer' will b)e M iss Margaret. Dluton of Oak Park. Miss Ruth Kemipes as athietieclîhairnian will be responsible for t-he athletic act1vties by th-e Presidtelt's bill. 'l'ne tact is i-bat there is, no relation whatever be- tween the Presideni-s proposai and these receni- decisions of the Court. To construe a relationship is i-o ignore thle distinctions between the cases. as rcga[rds the facts 'antd to 'ovýerlok the .G0 TO CALIFORNIA MIrs. Lee M. Pedigo, 115 Robsart~ road, Kèn ilworth, lef t Wednesdlav, accompanied by ber nlephew, IHeir, Jones of Memphis, Tenn., on a Inotor tr.ip to California. They willbe away about a month and wiil visit ail parts of the state. DAIRY PRODUCTS TELEPHONE 952 WIU4NITrKA i

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