Try Que New Machineless "Pcark Crest" Permanent Wtave Shamp 00Figrwv Arch or3 Tum......... Li nden IB3eau' 426 LUndei I Phon N P atvo niize +-a Mrs.'William. Gold' Hibbard, 840 Wj.lfozc road, W,7i)tietka., (le ft), and Sanmuel'John Duncan-Clark, 228 Wood côurt,. Wilmnette' (righ t), are sponl- sQriinq the' Midwcest, institute of International Relatlins u'liich is presenting a series of lectures in EEvanston, siext, weck. SON leS BORN L~ ~ LçJ~ Mr. andMrs. Wilis Hard'o In Ave,4 Wilmefe Litteli, 212 Beechwood avenue, an- WiImeffe 4454 j nounice the birth of a son, Wednes- day, june 2. The baby, who -bas bee n named Robert Tatham, and his Our Avertsersmother have returnied f romi the Ev- Our dvetisrs nsto hopitl werehe was boni. WiIm ete Playgrou 1nds Ohé-n for Su-mmter Season Next Monday (Continued .from Page 3) tin can art, cook work, soalp sculpture, tile silhouettes, paper construction, vil- lage.project work, raffia, basket weav- lng, wood and bead work, dlay modeling, copper work, crayon 'work and many other types of hand work. Àthleties. Softball, kickball and vol- leyball. Low organized gauxes,« relays, bail games, croquet, territory and qîuiet UDoarci or tcuMLAati'JA t> iurst , *VJLJ jf Jirmle.R. Abele, John W. Allen, DavtNid R. Allison, Raymond E. Ambler. J.II- ard Anderson, Arthur Arms. .JeanncAi(j- bineau. Mary E. Bacon, Whitaker Baflet- tîna C. Bassett. John R. Bauer. w E. Beck, George MW. Beeker, De-xt,,i- 1, Bengon. Jean C. Berg. Morgan.,M. nerndt, Hazel A, ~hv LaVerne L. Black, Marvin A. ùgn Robert H. Brady, John R. Brand t, ~ garet L.-Brereton. Curtis; W. lBrown,,Fred M.. Buck, ., Jean F. Burpe, Harold Buzai., 1 Olive. D. Carlson. Laurie 1H.- <'apb, lj,. Robert C. ýCarlfiflg, Charles L. ('eder- berg, RalplhtClark.: eChlanle E. Cloud' And re'w H. 'Ira, Robert T. Conrad,, Pat Crawford. Sheri- dan Crumlish, 'Edna G. Cumrmings. 1Gladys 'l. Dalstrom, Mariraaret A Davidson,> Philip E., DePeira"', Jr.. Kath- erine DeVrinny, Robert Dodds, Rv>i G. Drebes. Sally .A. Edwards, Shi*tl,,Elîn, n Robert M. Ellis, William H. Ellis, .Ji., Ruth Erlckson, Paul G. Eriesoiî, \Vil-, liam F. Everham. Vernon T. Paxon, Stephen 1. Finner, John W. FPisher, II, Theodore,1Tý. F, herg,. Milton H. Friend, ' Eugene W. Fuessie. Hobart J. Gary, Edward Gorey-, Marcia Gonzalez, Gondon C. Groh, ArthurI L. Green, Cythera E. Gu( nkl4ge.ý 1ýajreL. flaighB, tev Lou 11,11, Richard H. Hamilton, Ruth F.Haif, Karen S. Hiellstrom. Doris M. Heimstadtêr. Harold (-'. lien- derson, Jr.. Howard S. ero. Miry Jane Henderson, Nancy .Heud1er.wiiî, Ber- nil2e A; Herbon. .Joan'E. Hess, Charlton Heston. Wes- ley W. 1{ickman, Barbgra Ilodzes, Robert Horstlng, Thomas R. Howett, Betty 1{uck, John A. Hughes, Uhr IdIer. Chrystal M. Jackson, Evelyni C. Jaceoh- ?en, Mariantha James, Judy E. Janicki, Marilyn B. Jayne, Ralph W. Johnsorn, Ted H. Johnson, Marjorie 'M. Johnston, coal gives you ash -economy, w extra heat, very littie and real satisfaction. TT track meet,, sp.nd modeling contests, laoeLBn.MryAvT-s parades, plcnics and other events. celles. Robert -B. Lati, Mantha L. Le-acht Club work :' Clubs will be organized& George D. Leal, Sanford 1. Lew!,s.Jeanm in nature activities, hobby clubs, and Lindstrom, Kiki F. Lulias. hiklng and bicycle clubs., Warren D. MacKenzle. Robert Maesér, ,F'olk dancing: Rhythrnics and sing- Jr., Elolse Magner, Tony A. Malizie, îng games.. Kenneth V;.Mann, Robert MaI:ni. BettY Enrolîment, Monday morning, June Robert M. Matson, Shirley M,-ughaf,In 21, at the respective playgrounds. MaIýrjorle Mayer, C a r yl cClellatig,* WeekIy Program Norma E. Mcl(Don,,ld, Cameron P. Me-- *The weekly prograxin will be as Naughton, John C. MeQuide, Jr.. John F. Mehlhopè, Cora Mae Mersbach. follows: Margaret Miçkey. Elizabeth A. Milleî', First .week, June .21-26. Registration. George W. Miller, Neil Louise M,\ineal'. Organization of program. Formnation of Lee C. Mitchell, Edward L. Monahan. teanis. Low organized garnes. S tory Ethel J. Moreau, Robert.F. N'ackel, Ed- TEENPULIC N CORDIALLT D(Vrr CenvaCu izaY3icAND VISWT1 TO ATTEND TRI IEADU4G O EOM aIl from the e vs: a graduate ail and is the irnd James T. street. xa~s raui veneiiasenj-aL.4 ýcéived the Tau Beta key ngineering school. He is of New Trier High school son of the Rév. and Mrs. Venekasen of 721 Ninth -Mc Orsest Seo our