found on most any page of Vour Home Papel this week in the messages of OUJR ADVERTISERS ADVERTISER .PAGE ADVER TISER A P Food Stores ... 21 4tNrport Tavern............. 80 Andersoni Hetel ....>........... à& Bavai.................... 6 Blue Parrot, Th...... ..9 Bln~......................64 Bonnem,'Del................9 Book Nook, The 52 Brauchî's Slumber Shop ......S Braun Bros. 011 Ce.. 79, Caver TV* Burns Toggery . . . I Camp Shorewood .... Canadian Pacifie Ry .. ...5 Check H imes ....8.7 Chicago & North Western Ry.. . 55 ChrIstlaan Science Chnreh ....- Coona note .. -à4 Co'mmunity Theatre60 Cook, James L. 29 Cerinaei, Joseph C.. Co. 58 Cranle Coe. .... 60 Davis FurnIture C......2 DiedrIeh, Edyth 5 Domino Sugar ... n.x . . . . . . . . Eberle Tusurance Agency . .2 Elles, Fred A., & Co......5 *Euyart, Van Camp &, Feil ....2s Prickson, Ben ................ 5Ij Evanston. Acalemny cf Fine. Arts .. .. EVanstoH BuIsiness Coilege 7-7-f Fa.ssett, Rosaile Roachl 51 Ferreil Be auty Shop..ji Ferry, Robert P. . ....1 56, 59 Flr:t .Cburch of Christ, Sf ertt 2s Foley uotor Sales.... ..1 French Laundry ....... -AS..4 Frosted Foods.........14 Galring's .. . . . . . . . 52 Ga.rfild Art Shop.............. 12 PAGE Misslin Hl]]% Golf Club .......... Mlirtzi.....................29 Motoring Through: Europe,. 5 Muri..e..........8 Nef1s l s ystein .... Cover TV 'New Trier Hligh'Seool, ...... .24 Northe@rn Pafiie Ry...6 Northi Shore Lare Cirtaiîî cleaners ... North RSucre Swn ahn Exeibange ......... 011! of Sait.. 011 Wéii, The Olsen & han Peterpaul ........... ~22 Palace Fcc1s...........U Iieaeael, C. T)...........t Peaecck Tee Creni...... Personial 1,an1& Savings lRank ',1 1>ol& Pliper..........7 Publie Service C......9. 61 Quila &Tyqon....... . Real. ;,Eista boeuse... Sattel, 1Dr. Frank<6 scloOElfer's 1 Scott, Wm. Il.Cover Il Selloetirack, G. A...... -sechlèr's Shaivnee Service Garage i Shoreline R99 use 6 Sbcrty's Barber Shcp f Slcwïî. Jack, Co. . Sniyder-Cazel 1)rug Co... 7. s ý! StadAivm Theatire........... e7 Standard 011 Co.........1 Fioreénce _Mercer president; the 1<ev. 0. W. Auman, 721 A Fishig 1 Did Go Erb Emierson street, Evanston, second( Onc ezino Ernest.Kuh .n vîNce-president; T . A. Stafford, 731 S Çcherzino ý. MozartISinrnpsonisreEasosceay The Merry Farmei'.....SchumanL Vanl Cleve, 731, Simpson- street. iyS t a deI Menuet........ ... .... ýý.... îý. zilher treasurer; T. F. Holgate, 617 Librar.ý The Winter Wînd Ede place, and james.Altoîî James, 2127, BI]eerrri Orrîgo vne nrr March of the Bîo(,wnies.......TeryJrgo vnuhnrr ie Marilyn Bersie president.s. Mihîet îin G .........Beethoven The green ts situated north, of tile Barbara t»,iJan VanWinkie ctlb hous e at Central street. and th c Bourc Antiu ad da elevated tracks in tvanstonl andii. HIarp Player ..........(oodrich now- in very excellent condition. II 1;ýea Foam di having been thoroughly ovcrhianiled 1. eggy Ebbert Ase's Death c, rie, Iast year. The playing is done late Sailor's Song.. <l....., Thursdlay afternoons , after the '- Scherzo Td(Ôf uùt ning meal and Saturdayafrnu. Serenata.........Secretary Stafford state s, fai it bu An1n Lapet ncnbership rolis are open to anvmn.e 11oupee \Talsante. . .idn alon,f te north shore or ini Cliicýagç --NyliIla Beth Yates Two-part Invention i I).......... Bach.Theé.E%,anstoiia pîBo.'ln reeîî Valse...........Drn steol one of lte kind on I lie Lieestaun .List I thshore. -There j 1s .'alma a L~- CocouF ...e ~..îge colo-rfuil -allerv watchinig the plai. 1,(, ouo.Dquin lThe club lias provided sun nbrla Argotase....... Mt15sI1et! for HIe benches. 1Both ilmei aild Lawrene . Joiios Wa]tz of the Flowers .TcaiosvWOnM.inarc ellncbers.: '[bey arcill hustl <~ iking Lulias . idîgeiitliastic ovýer tlie :port. En Bateau.............. .Zeke Roy A. Sellery. 908 Aslilaîîd a'. r To Spring............iigne, hias gone to Colorado tlîis c- Barbar-a Bliss Sonata, Op. 27, No. 1-1 end to attend the graduation- ot hi> Ist Movernent ........Beethove-(n daughIter, Florence, on June 14, froili Ballet Music from "Rosa mund", Sch ube 1t HIle University of Colorado. Te are Joan Benner Fantasia on Hungarian . expectedl home on1 iuesday. Abolit Foik-Melodies ,...........Liszt ilie first .of july Mis,. Sel lcry i.t Lois Mitchell. leave for a trip abr,ûad. Mrs-. Stade at the second piano William Harris of Ada, Olka., is NlMr. and M~rs. W. Hutstiig and the houseguest of Walter .L. Cherry~. their son, Wallace, 1620' Washington) Jr., 517 Sheridan road, Renilwortli avenue, returned home fromi Craw- with whorn le came Suinday fromn fordville, Jnd., 'Monday evening. after Nemv Haven, Both *ýare students at. atteîndin g the commencement exer- Yale. Mr. Harris wvillb li ere for ciscs of \Wabash collegýe, at whichl several days. . Patu l >t4siig vas graduiated. r OUT OFOILA(,AINW-NOW eauty Spot ... .. Wn 0... .... - 24 ro . . . .. . . ....,-02 Wilso*j & Co...2 Wolft & Watt ........... Yondorf, S., & Co . ....... 2 liLi