REASONABLE MARZY ALAN HOKANSON UNI. 0159 5LTN5Iltc Reception anidWeddttng Mistc . .7HE AKELY TRIO> Frances, Violin; lythe, cello; Ernau, piano. Wltmette 1648i 5LTN2-4tp H EADQUARTERS 1 ÀWNINGS,, CANOPIES,: .VENETIAN1 Blifids and Wndow Shades- 59ç up. The. Sun Shade Companymi2 c lce..- 8-10 Carton. Court Winnetka 1171 5A.LTNS-4tp AQUARIUMtSAND SUPPLIta Special Sale, (Caparies.) YOUNG MALES, $2.95; FMLS, SOc50 up. Birds bou!rded, 10ce per day. MACDONALD:'S, 1504 Sherman, (re. 8832 OfLBURNc« SERVICE____ MASON CONTRACTOR Flagstonie I3ôlders BRICK AND CEMENT WORK TUCK POINflNG H. HARTWELI> WINNETKA 2864 15A-LTN49-tfc J OSEPH KNEIP CEME41,NT AND MASON CONTRACTORý Specltzing - Waterproofing Basements 1114 Washingtonl Ave. Wlmette 2618 15A-LTN'5-4tP) WILLIAM RWILSON Cabrn.entt V ndt repftirs. Additions, A1t- REPAIB TING. EDWVIN B. b.I54'PI. 4513 JEFFERSbON, GLENCOE 117 1611PN52-26tp G-,UARANTÇEED' SERVICE Sewlng Miachinies, Vaceuumi Cleaners and :Radios. Att makee. Free Est. BLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE 904 Dem-pster St. Uni. 6680, (Ire. 717î 16LTN48-tfe E L ECT RI1C WELDING, BOILE-,R weldlng, automobile imahinie ahoUan parts jobber. PAVIK RTFS VAC ATIONS Enjoy' yôur vacation without worry about your house, garden or property. Those littie thin'gs Yoti.meant to ýdo ... and didni't;- ~Ju GARDENINO BLACK SOIL 3 CU. YD1)S., $63; .5 C U. Y D S.$ 10. G. Anderson, 4:35 Ridge Rd., Wtt. 452. 271,TN3-3tp 'SHRiUBBERY AND PLANTS__ ---7TrThNTION ALJL GARDENERýS Aniiuats, pereniiiata, and rock garden plants for sale at very rea"onable prices. Hardy, liome-gi'own stock. Att choice v'arieties. Scores of sattsfled cus- toimers ini -lighand' Park and atong North Shore. Oive us a trial. You, too, Hibbarid Road Gardens JOE BOROVICKA. 1>UOP. C'or. Hîibbard &H Ilil aiZods, \iVliutka FOR YOUR GARIýDEN Flower- and -vegetable planits * (Low prices) PISENICK.AS GREEN ýOSE S13 Hibba:r4 Road 28LTN2-4tlP FOR SALE; '1O0MATfOES AND ULOWZER PLANTS.. 1231 TOWER ROAD, WýýINNETKA-ý. SEE GARDENER. -2L-t MASSAGE SWEDISII MA',lSAG~E . AND RFIDUCING . Wininetka Heatth Institute -')2 Center st. W innetka 2266 38LTN3-4tp, PAINTING AND IDLCORATING Paint; P.-per, 5 Rmns., $0Up) ('ELLING CALC., $2..50 UP sanitasý and canvasing work. lUn. watt papex' cteanud, $ 1.50 ; lathrooin en- z iiieled, $6 Up; kitchen paintud, $7 up. 5 rins. flira. wahid, nshd 1 O. Oui - "sidtv' pntg., pette.,' $1o. Wnow,75eý. Stucc(o -finish. dontc reas. Refsý Fi:eetýýst. Mat"fri:. ROOM P<APERED, $4 CEIL. CALC., $2 L'P; PAPLER -iN- ecd, $1. Equipped for any line inturîor and exterior painting. Also do ou(t!sidcu stucco. Best workniansh ip and nat~i s Appreciate your catis for aniy aliountï. LOU-IS WINN. 28 WL im CEIL. CALC., S$2,ur UATHROO-M E --; 1E L E D,$6 UP kitcheni enamneled, $7 up ; 5 fioors washied and varnished, $10 ; ro4ms papered, $6 up; out-side painting rea- repairlng and riiii. . , . ing. 58LT N4-4tp LOST AND FOUND' LADY'SBLUE. LEATHER PURSE LOST ON NORTH- SHORE TRAIN oitR IN HfJBBARD WJYS.ý> STATION.' 1,OST- L AËD Y' S SWrlSS ýWRIST watch. Diamond at« each end. Black band. Lost Sunday morntng at Skokie, playtield. Reward. N'nnetka 2467. 3LTN5-ltp HORS E OST BAY GELDING, LOST -AT C.LENCOE ridtng school Jine 4tli. *,Stands 15 handa,' 3 in. Btack -mane iind,.taii. Deer- fietd 40. LO'-'T-1,-EÂTHER COLORED COCKERý Spanl ,with harnesa and Evan.SItofl lieense. Cait Wininetka 690. Reward. L'5-ltc j.OT-ROW LATIERCHANGE puirse coritainiflg $22. Betweýel Nat'l tea on W'ilmette Ave. and N. S. station. ReNvar d. Wttnette 9332S.- 3LTN5"tc. FOUND-SILVERRIIED OLASISES. Oc-tagont On Wilmette and Cen- tral two weeks ago. Cati at office of Wilniette Life. 3LTN5-ltp LOST: RED, BUFF COCKER .SPA-1Z iet. Winnetka ticense. Naine 'Sunny.." Phione Winnetka 1981. 31,4-tp INSTRUCTION i Glencoe ActiVity School Poiz1TL TOTS AÙES 2-4' AN1P 4-7. Opens June 7î, P63 Grove Street (corn*r Jackson) GLENCOjl, 9.77' PUTVA TE TUTORING. FOR GRADE clhitdren l'y teace wt 8 years ex- pite.Regular or retarded .work. '$10F flc 2 outs. Cali innetka 3037. 30L,5-1tp LANSDALE SCIIOOL Under-prîvileged children. Individu al supervision. Speechý correction. Box 22 , Overland , t MUSICALINSTRUCTION STELLA McDONALD Piano-Organ-Theoryý \I3 studio or- your home. W. S'. -PIANO UNING cOPET ARDENN . '33-LN.-3c ____________________ DAY OR CONTRACT. BEST REF- LAUNDRY PINAUIN workAND ranEPAed N EIRENCES. REASONABt4F2PRICES 20l-wo____________ FREE ESTIMATES. EV'ERGýREENý%S, EDOWT H: ROUGH DRY. Thomas' Lo,,kerbie 'Wi~et 2 SHUB, NI FRTLIER.WIN' A special price on fanity wash. TUNER, wIMETEPU. CHOS SHRUB~, ANO FERTI47-,tf. We eall for and deliver. _______________ NETRA 3858. 17T.7-f Phone Wllmette 3687 i' 145L)ITN2-4tp, LÂWNS.-FLtOWERS. SHRI*B$ CAREl> ,34LTN3-4tp EXPERT PIANO' TINING ,'3 E tor. For, sale: annuais; perenr.tat ,_ 1E NAl-NADpi ok urne E orcamental, shrubs. blatk dirt taand AkED WAS0hl N AND 1 IRONING tory experience-.H. C. Thoma, ,206 Col- fttuer%4 Yovaniot. Wtt. 424 e.W ~ t k oe.llt ctiand. deliver. umbia 'Ave. Par-k Ridge'47 27L--,t Phone Wttniette 347q. .34LTN5-Itp e, '1147. 24t COCKER PUPS, BEAUT.; DACHS hunds; Englishi and Irshý settLrs. S wvks. to yr. and a 4af, traned; beaiut. speçiniens; Scotties. O(thers to<o u-. mieroustq nmention. Ait dogË inoculated. Pucking and ei.pping expertts. Wébuy and trade., Rhienhof Kenflets, Skokie Smpson, Nes Center 19 and44LTN5-ltP weeding the, garden,- painting, general clean ing every- where - ail cari be dâne, by experts, while you are away. On this% page we offer a 'directory of, dependable home services' which- can help make yôOur. vacation, care- anud, wryfree.. h, jI~ -