stardom in the. past few ye'ars has' been, Il1 movie language, "terrific," dominates éery .scelle she's in. She's.comnic, heart-broken, drab, and beautiful,î by turns. and al at once, and establishes.. her as well as Mc Murray in the fronit ranks of acting. T1hat GirlFirom Paris. RKO-Radio p.icture, directed by Leigh, Jason, with Lýily Pons, Jack.Oakie, and Gene Ray- mod.Co:nmunity theater, junie 11, Brcaking away1 entirely from the customary type of musical comedy, the new offering turns' out ta be a gay augh-.e.t f roui st a rtta finish, i t h a. notable cast aid- inilg t he t in y prima donna in her niirthful en- deavors.' The story be- gins in P a ri ivherc Miss Poiis meets a happy- Jc ai go-lucky ,Amen. i-cOan cati saxophonist a moment after she icaves lier finance at the altar. l'le littie singer follows her new friend ta . The Texas Ranger. Paramiounit pic- ture,. diructed h.y King Vidlor, w-ithi Fred 'MacNfurray, jack Oakie, jean Parker, Lloyd Nolani, and Edwaird llis. theater, June 1l, 12. Thiý,s story, 1ased on historical rec- ord, ýportrays the activities of a. frontier organization known a-, the Texas Rangers. Settinigs of the pi c- turesque mounitains' and 'plains 'are ' beautifil.. The musical. score is 'fitting Top of the Town. Universal picture, starring Doris Nola'n, Gertrude Nie-; ,seni, Ella Logan, Peggy Ryan, George Murphy, Hugh Hierbert, Gregoôry Ratoff, Hl e fi r y Armnetta,ý Mischa Auer, Jack Smart. Wilmette theater, June 13, 14., Valenrcia theater, 'june Singers, -dancers, 'comed.ians' are slung together. by the expert technical and directing staff, at. Universal ta prodtice a new high in glorious musi- cal :comedies. New sangs, and new singiflg, new dances, and new dancing, new iôkes, and new. comedians, 'are ail bright spots in this "miust" cinemà. boris an heiress*ha>s the idea that she 'wants ta put culture into the night Club business. In the basement cabaret of the skyscraper owns j5' thNe orchestra"1eadér wvhô'hoie's f6' open on the ritzy moonbean rooni on top of the same building. 'Thé two uncles step in. Sets are (a') screwy, get together, oniy ta have Doris' (b) tremendous, and (c) ultra. ultra. It's.not a film ta be niissed, wrnthe best fan 'magazines. PHILOSOPHIC Marlene Dietrich 1pnied fotrns BANNER A STEAL' Cecil B. De Mille's research work- ers on ý"The Buccaneers" have dis- covered that the tune of the "Star Spangled Banner" is based on "Anachreon in Heaveni" an aid Eng-. lish drinking sang. BARONESS FROM IOWA Karen Morley, giamorous baraness of "Last Train From Madrid," was lead straight into another feminine. f ad craze. The, short.,pleated* skirt cf black- satin, tàpped by a formn-fitting jacket of white serge with blackbraid, lends a very fertile suggestion for -a day- time outft for almost anyý girl. Important, toa, is 'the, fact that black silk stockings give a definite touch, of alluretasuch a, costume and may return ta high fav or as a resuit of Miss Livingstone's briniging thei, back into evidence. MAN.0F EXPERIENCE Ba riowe Borland, well-known char- acter actor, recently signed ta a con- trac~t played the xol1e of a banik easbier in "Forloru River," the Zane Grey outdoor romance,. £eaturing Larry Crabbe and june Martel, and there- by reaiized a lboyhood dreani. His early 'ambition. was ta become a banker. CHANGEOVER Oscar Hoinoika, fanions continen- tal actor' who wili have a leading raie ini "Ebb Tide," starred as a Fred MacMurray, playing a news- papier editor in "Exclusive," bought a new car and 'moved intô his own home ta celebrate signing his new contract with his studio. TOUGH ASSIGNMENT Edward Everett Horton, who hates ta drive autonmobiles, was forced to learn :to drive a tractor for, his star- ring raie in "Wild Moneyl. n'ews- Acre. of Pres Parking Sp-, 4n"Ntatt'a Land"l Phonea ýWiImette -Winnetka 8900 Thursday, June 10 - 4eId Over IIKISTOUT 15s MADE AT XIGT*", jean Arthur-Charles Boyer L.e* Car.rillo "16Soventh Heaven" James Stewart - Simone Simon Oswald Oomnedy Sun., Mon., June 11-11 ""FIFTY ROADS- TO TOWN" Don Ameahe - Ann Sotheru Plus Mifckey Mouse i'n Color Tues., Wed., Thurs., June 15-16-17 ""THE WONAN 1 LOVE" 1120 Centrai Ave. WiL 390>2 WITrH JOSEPHINE HUTÇtIIMUON FSA71 KIDIEWMATINEEI *BAI iEddly piel CiI Plu