¶0 FOR ~' IPJUUC SERVICE IS FEAURIN TiIESE 3 FAMOUJS ROASTERSI Nesco .. 0 24.95* 10 Full 3-galfon capacity - High crown - double sheli * Complet. with cooking set. 1 L Westil 'nghouse Roaster Extra large capacity. $29.90* Watchman Thermostat -signals when selected beat is "" !l reached lacludes cooking set and broil« ed. Self-basting cover. 0 In space limited kitchenette apartments, at Summer cottages or camps, or at home where you want the éYeryday conve., nience of time-saving, cool cooking that's where these .efficieh't. porta, ble electric ovens can be a most practical servant. They roast, bake, stew, broil., grill -and fry delicious, savory meals to perfection.... Come in to vour nr-are.çt PIIIII;r 1141 Central Avenue JUNE .10, 1937 Buy