S numne.1.se hool FINEPICTURES FRAMING iSpftIai -prlces fer: dIplýmes . . . for the Brde .. . for th. Graduai. . .. for Mei Travoer LOVILY GREETItIGS for sv.ey occasion AIw.ys ltheswsle PARtTY.CARDS seen through. the Ceyes of Professor L anet Hogben in bis popular new book, MatheratiC: for the Milliop.. .A higix scbool, education wili suffice for an understanding of ail but a chap- ter or two, and miuch less'(a gramtna school education). is adequate for an appreciation of a good hglf of the book Arithmetic, geometry, algebra, trigo- nomfetry, and calculus have played an indispensable role in'the history. of civ- ilization. Prof. Hogben mnakes a point of :emphasizing this aspect of inathe- matics, relating the more dramatic inci- dents of the impetus giv~ en o regss by1 this branch- of the sciences.-P His approach te bis subject howevr historicai as it may"be in part is pri-, marii y social. Mathematics, heý con- siders. as neces sary to the welfare of human beings as tbe deveiopment of agriculture. Statistics and their wide ramnifica- tions lead the author into still another absorbing chapter. Controversialinl character, it takes issue with ail the re- searchx experts who juggle figures and chart graplis to arrive at. the most amazing' and (Hogben does not hesitate te say) ridiculotis and inaccurate con- clusions. Illustrations and draw;'ngs are gen-, *-.voJ5urionlaI4L gmig wnen ne was r scarceiy out of bis teens and ending with the Ethiopian slaugbter. In bea- tween he covered ýwars and revoîts ini Mexico, Asia Minor, Siberia, Morocco, Latin America, flot. to mention bis serv- ice in the United States' Navy during, - the World war. Born in . Louisville, Kentucky, in 1893, Wells was educated there' and, in. the. U. S., Naval acadeMy.ý He received his early newspaper training on'fie Louis- vleCouirier-Josirnalý, the Denver .Post ,and the San Francisco Bulletin. Then the cali of adventure took 'him- to China when he was'nineteen. !le worýked* on the China Preçç In Shanghai and be-: gan corresponding for American news- papers. The PoPularising of -variaus, /ields With time out for a 1viation pionffeering of scientific knowiedge by wériting and races around 'the world, he 'has for the layman ha: been carried on been a foreigu correspondent ever since, in. P4yckology, soIOgy, chewmiçtrY, -r~pePrýtink ai various times the Chi- Physic:, astronorny and other lines cago Tribune, the H{earst news servce wvith inarked succe::. Arnong the Newspaper. Eiterprise associatio n,v the frst authors ta atternpt mathemaitics New York Iferald-Tribune and others. i: La'ncelot Hogben. Hus new book, Among fliers he. is regarded as a compe- '<Mathernatics for the Million," pub- tent and daring aviatôr; among world lished by W. W. Nortonl & CO., travelers as one of their pace-setters; ha: been a best çeller for ffnY among newspaper men as one of the weeks. rMost successful of their clan. In quick succession, Wells made the 'With so many charming people in the first non-stop wheel-and-motor automo- why si t1 ki Harpe Bockcf Mof'h ;ss power to entertain. Hie is in the Harp r Bo k ofMont lierary world to stay because he cannot Zona Gale says of William Maxwell, help it; and hé 'brings to ik his peculiar he author cf They Carne Lïke Swallazus, quality of the keen, the gentie, the un- ene of the two selections cf the Bock of bearably sensitive, the appraiser cf rou- ie Month club for May, recently pub- tine and the diviner of its significance; ised by Harper & Brothers: and ail with à smooth and lustrous "He has a strong faculty for friend- stYle." hiii, aise; and lie likes nxany <juite- The story of that-jeurney hle put into: a book calied Around the .World in 28 Days. After acting as roving correspondent for International News Service during the early '30's. *Wells becanie that- agency's Moscow correspondent for more than a year, 1932-34, and from there went into Manchoukuo ini time to attend' the enthronement of Henry Pu-Yi. He covered the taoEtinin ýur, her ae 17 ll--i-t-a-ioýýý 'Y'aouUL irds, are an endless urythee ae 17 ilusris, repetition cf plain facts so nearly re- hemn i- colon. These illuistra- 'lated that one tires cf liunting dis- ,w the various moîîarchs froni tinguishiiig differences-but with your. to George VI oin shooting par-. book the descriptions sparkle-aiid Vve 'ace meetings anid at other in- seen and' studied andl read cf birds a.1 ccasions as well as at. officia!, My life, only te learn more fro"1n your of royalty. Royal Progres attention-caling 'writing than ail the ised by Scribners ini April.-. rest Put together."?