Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1937, p. 42

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Octoler Event for Maternity Center At a re cent, m orning meeting at ber homte,ý Mrs. Ra T.Jh- son,. of Evanstion, iniitiated plans* for the social. activities of the North Shore a uxiliary, of t he Chi cago Maternity center. As- sisted by the membners of ber social committee,,Mrs. Johnson, has. planned a formnai dinner danceon October 16, to be held, at the Evanston Golf club with Joe -Rudolphs orchestra p- viding the music. Ovrer their toniato juice and wafers the members discussed various angles of the party and compared notes as to their own vacation plans before d1~andn~for the sum'mer. Mrs. Leland Johinson, as vice-chairrnan of the social committee, wiIl be ticket chaîrman for the dinner dance. She *will be assistecl by Mrs. Fred W. Ringley of Wilniette. As dinner chairman, Mrs. Gordon Van Kirk of Evanston will have as assistant "s Mrs. Henry Ernbree of Kenilworth, and Mrs. Sam uel Lang, and Mrs. Elmer Schmus of Evanston. Married in Dress Fashioned Along Classic Lines An ivory satin wedding (lress made on simpw le'assic unes* .,,with a train, and :a: tulle veil held in place with a coronet of. orange blossoms were worn b 'miss Lucile Stailey for her niar-. niage Iast Sattirdav evening to Gxeorg eHoward Kraft, the soni of M.ad r.Charles. fier-i * lert Kraft, 13 Greenivood avenue., The bride, t he (laug'h-ý ter of Mr. and Mrs. (lauide Stailey, formerly of Evanston îand now of the East End Park hiotel in Ch-icago, carried a spraty of callalilies. The marriage took 'Place at 8 :30 o'cloc k at the home of the bride-, groom's parents, the Rev. George P. Magili reading the service before a, background of ferns, tali candr- labra, and. large vases of peonies, and other bright surumer flowers. Follow- ing 'the ceremony a reception wvas hekld Marquisette dresses -over taffeta slips were worri by M iss Hazel Kraft, and Mrs. Aldo E. N:essler of Eivans- 'Jtner menibers of the,social com- nmittee who *will assist with arrange-, ments are Mrs. Waldo Fisher of Chi- cago, Mrs. John Griffith of Winnetka, Mrs. Thomas Gonser of Barrington, Mrs. Burton Ingwersen of Wilmette, Mrs. Philip Wilkin of Evanston, Mrs. A. Dryden Eberhardt of Wilmette, Mrs. Arthur Colweil of. Evanston, Mrs. joseph Elliff' of Glencoe, Mrs. Thomas K. Mount and Mrs. L. B. .Wheelock of Evanston. The Maternity center sewvirg groups ç*UI1 w1.li commenlce at 8 ckç. I is expected about twventv- tables will be in Olav both after- n and' evening. Tickets are being for the affair. and the proceedis go to the Third Divis.ji of thé, mette Parish :Methodist church. Duraint Photo Mrs. E. L. Hicks, Jr., (le fit) is chairman, with' Mrs. Henry MacFarland (right) as co-chairnwn, of the Mexican fiesta to bc given at Skokie Country clu(b Friday evclning, Jun;e 18, -as the annual dance fo.r the bene fit of Gad's Hill settiernent. A colorjul affair, suited to its Mexican iknsPiration; the dtance already is assured of success by a great number of reservations made with Mrs. Francis E~. Sencar. ticket chafrinan, and her assistant, Mrs. John A. Stephens. of the rs was - *-ýUI. -1'*il-ir'--l'u. aiiu ea motion pictiure; Mrs. Raymond J. were serve'd, and the Program pre- ,Koch, conservation.- Mrs. Harry B. seilted Catherinle Padlden Payne, Godfrey, chairmanl of good citizen- dram,atic reader, who gave a rêsume ship vilgrimage. P9f the play, "The Old Maid.".- P- 'r d ci a' £ £V a boouquet of -spring flowers with shades of purple and peach predomninating. M iss' Kraft, wearing blue mar<îuisette coin- biîaed with pink, carried sunier flowers in these shades. Aldo Nessler was Nfr. Kraft's best Manr. Mrs. Kraft wa's in a gown'of beige chiffon.with a corsage of spring flow-: ers,wil Mrs. Stailey chose powder lue narquisette and lace -with gar- denlias in a shoulder bouiquet. Air. Kraft and bis bridf Engaged fo Marry Mr. and Mrs. E, G. Goode of 242 Wood -court, Wilniette, announce thc enlgagement,.of their daughter, Doris Irene, to Ralph Wallace Morris_ son 'of Mr. and Mrs. William C) Morris of M1 Ninithstreet., Wilmhette.-

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