a reat record for New Trier they caine iihty close, seb ail teanis. The varsity téam enjioyed the. niosti successful season of any New Trier' basebail team in New Trier history. They won Il games and Iost but four. Three of these victories wvere over non - league schools, nameiy: Lake Forest, Amncen. and Loyola academy. Thalmann, Weed Faced With Drea.ry'. Indicatioxns Are Weed Menace that May Become Acute the p T.. love, Erwin Moeller, Bob Dewey, Miss. Vera Ruth Schapiro, daugh- Raipli Bowers, Marvin Hams, Manager~ chini, AI Bruschini, Bob Horn,,Jack ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Schapiro, CIiff Goodmnan. . Ini the front row are Davis, Reginald- Rounsfull. Captairi 814 Sheridan road, is comning h'omne Dick- Sauer, Bill Applei Bradley Jim Dewey, Bob Davis, Vince Smedley next Wednesday from the east after Thomas, Earl Borne, Leonar d Bell, and. Dick Durr were not present; when completing lier, freshman year, at Coach Gottfeied Sanldvig, Arigo Mar- the picture was taken.> Welle sley icolege. Comm issioner, Pr ospects was. forced to abandon i t