youwant shirts of combfed cotton yern so*juot 'what h. likes. Guranted CA.. washable ... C OTTON WASH SHfORTS for sum mer! Woven patterns d s h a& w plaids, with I \ matchiog full beits osud f - pleated front. Sanfor-: ized oshrunk. White with jbrown plaid, or S whitewith grey.. A MESH POLO SHIRT-and he'Il b.ý cool every mlinute ho wears it! Waffle weave, with sardbacké, and, short siceves. Gaucho peck style 1ini maize, wýhite, and blue. Sizes 81t0 18 ............ WASH LONGIES with pleated front in ýwoven-,pst- toms,, sanforized sbruk, with müatchint beit. Whi te ground with grey- or brown ovcrcheckI.9 deuign............. ...... ...... $ p / . - '~ ~. Our-Compete BOYS,, SHOP on fthe Street Floor -East Roomi WILMETTE, LIFE 26 lb w , . 'Oio Il