years of age. Miss Malis Smith daugfi and Mrs.- Herbent J, Smaitl den >avenuse, bas joinéd a ppscfCarleton college, Minn., on a nine-days' tnip. to travel on horsebackt north of the college. Miss return home. in about twoi Can You Sv Recreational Swimmi ng andG) Instruction for Beginners ê4' Nw TRER 111H - SCHOOL NATATORIUM 1 Classes for Ail Ages - Mîxed Swimming Groups Fees: 8 Lessons $3.50 Splash Parties 35c Guests 5oc SWIM for FUN and SAFET] 565 LINCOLNAVENUE-WINNETKA Dotted Swiss Prints and Voiles Non-Crushing LUnens You'el Rnjoy Sho»ping Huc're in Air-C ondiioned'Com fortý was of opra Cveryner 1 and in particular toti rUetii - lowers of Louis's famed Ravinia Opera. ;h .t er of-Mr. Tbe. familian. figure of conductor b, 236 Lin- Gennaro Papiý will... again take bis a grup of place. on the podium, tbough both Ncotbfield, lhe and the Cbicago, Symphony or-j Tbey plan cbestra ýwilI be, on, the stage instead1 to, a camp. of in the pit as of yore. His baton SSmith l Will wil again direct the orchestra witb weeks. the. sure verve. that, rade .bim sucl a n indispensable and populan figure with the Ravinia' Opera. He. will again NIM? ac co mpany bis, frîends and assocDiatés, Boni, Mario Chamnlée. and Leon Rothier, returned for tbis special .oc-; casion to the :scene of their former, triumphs,. and .bridgingý the, gap be- tweèn the bappy days of festive opera t o the present delights of the Festiyal. symnphony season. FameJ boei R.turna The namne of Boni is analogous to %~opera. The most popular figure by Sfar of the Ravinia famous names, hers was the lu re that packed tbe park as she appeared as the famnous benoines of opera: Fiora in "Tbe Love Three Kings," the fragile Mimi in "~La Bohemne," the two Manons V of the Prevost tale, "ail weakness and fragility," to naine but a few of ber etl'Marion"; the "Mi Luh~iamno Mimi' and the duet following froni 'La Bheme" aa utfo Thm as' '"Mignon" sung with Leon Rothier. Ch.'mlee Prime Favorite In the tenor field Mario Chamlee sang them aIl, from the lynié to the dnamatic noIes, appearing many times as Bori's vis-a-vis, winning a very warm place for himself in the hearts of the Ravinia patrons. He, too, willi Otter Orchestral FrMures Maestro Papi will conduct the. or- chestra in two overtures, one from "The Barber of Seville," and the other -tbat f rom "William; Tell," and two intermezzi, the f amous inter- mezzo of "Cavallenia Rusticana," and the brilliant one from WoIf -Ferrari's "Jewels of the Madonna."' The second night of. Raviniýa, wijl start off the regular Sy m phony: sea- The atixiliary of the American Le- gion post 46 of Wilmette held a metnbership tea on Wednesday aft- ernoon, June 9, at the home of Mrs. W. R.. Wilson, 315 Essex road, Ken- ilworth. Forty womnen attended. Mrs. Blanche Fo)ster of Evanston enter- tained with vocal selections. This tea is gieévery ye ar* to entertain new memes and to introduce prospective members. TheJune meeting of the Amnerican Legion auxiliary will be held at -the Masonic temhple 'next Truesday» at 8 p. m. It. will be a Fidac meeting, and Mrs. 1). C. -'Leach,, Fidac chair-» man, promises an interesting program in keeping with this subject. VISITS IN VILLAGE The Rev. and Mrs. Hubert- Carle-+ ton, 1103 Forest avenue, have astheir houseguests, Mrs. Càrleton'à mothier, Mrs. E. E. Davidson, 'of Newton- ville, Mass., ,nd Miss, Clara Cook~, of Brockton, Mass. Dr. and Mrs. Carleton plan to take their guests witb them to Greencastle, Ind., where their daughter, Phyllis, is finisbing, bier junior year at DePauw university. Mrs. Davidson and Miss Cook wiIl be. ,with the Carletons for a month,. GOES TO COLORADO R. A. Sellery, 908 Ashland avenu~e,' left Wednesday for the University of ducting and Jose Iturbi piano soloist.. The ýgala openin g night programi f ollows: Qverture, "Barber of Seville," . Rossini *Chicago Symphony Orchestra Gennaro Papi, Conductor a) "Vecchia Ziniarra.t" 4th Act, * "La Boheme," .......Puccini Leon Rothier b) Serenade, Act 111,*'F'aust," .-.Gounod Leon Rothier "Una Furtiva Lagrina," "L'Elisir d'.A.more" ................._Donizetti Aria, "O Paradiso" "L'Africaneý". .. .......... eyerbeer MarIo Chamlee XII. Duet, Act 111, "Mignon" .. Thomas Lucrezia B3on and Jeon Rothier XIII. itèrmezzo, «"Cavalleria. Rlustteana"....... ...blascagni' Orchestra XIV. Duiet, Act II. "Mdhon" ......Ma.Ssenet IÀicrezia Boni and, Marlo. ChArnlee * urniture antique@ draperies wsUn ,papeese rolnishmg slip coveft I le,