* i is.giviig up bis summrer classes * whichlihe has conducted in Patte,, * Pool, EVàlnstoii, anntually for the past 27 '-ears. Mýr. Peterson who bas bad. extenl- sive experivnce, as a swinming 1ini- structor is weli qualified to carrv on Coach. Robinson's work..ý He servedý asCoach 'Robinson' sssant last '.ummer and isfaila ihter- ranof the suùmmer rclasse.s. 4w v addition -o bis teacliing, at North western, Mr. Peterson has. hadl experlenice as swimminff instructo)r at the Union I,ëague club in Chicago andI at the 'North Shore 'School (if *Phv~sical l)vvelopmfent.lHe is Ipare. ticularly %well. qualified as an 'instruc- tor ini Red Cross life saving inethods. NIr. Peterson wi1.I be assisted this sunrmner hv Fred Vanzo, a meinber of wili be ber of special individual instruction. 'l'le ernffhasis upon teaching begin- pers will continu.e as iii, previous Yea rs. Spec ial at.tenion .will -be: given to swîimrers of intermiediate ability. Detail practice uponi forni in the crawl. side, breast and back stroke will. be' offered. TO HAVE OUTING Napcy. Starrett, daughter of M r. and Mrs.. R. Ward Sta rrett, 321 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, and' Frances- Becker, daugàhter. of.* Mrý and. Mrs,. M. R. Becker of KenîIl- worth, are. leaving -june 18,, on a- streamline train for Cheyenne, Wyo.-, to be ýthe guest 'of Patsy. Law: of Ken- lworth for two or three weeks,'at the I.aws' summer home.. Àý'Z 8-oz-o13 KELLOGGPSR RS 2PýGg5 . 1 0c SHREDDEu WHSAT yv 00W MDAL. WHEATIE i b /~1-~GRAPR.NUTS BRAN LAa<gÉS ý POLK'S GRAPEFRUIT JUWCE, ÉAWY[Rs KEEBS OR SAWYER'S BUTTER COOKIES WHITE MOUSE EVAPORATED MILK *--L1B. 5 * CANS N YFIELD SI i-E. BROADCAST SMOKED, HA MS SKINNED Wbote or Shank Haif lb. 2112 Butt Ends, ILb.23C* Cenl'er Stices, lb. 39C Mna Page rae Ja. 4 39e OMITANA PUunt Butter ..2 ;A29 COLLEGE INN ChIicken wIth Eu Noodies '-on25e * '* * k. . * Q * . 3 CANS 25C. 2 PG.27c 4 j2,5c >kt auc GOOL r;..;7 zi