OLD M0,N K PURES.T AND B EST TRIPLE WHIPPED.,ýý Solud Dressing The Wordd>s Finest Salad Dressing Sv.etRipe GANTALOU PE 2rI 29 Large size 2 for 35c ' and, rrrrrr--. rrrrj Prie6ov A sperior blend *of fine tea sold exclu- < sively by Your Cen- L trella grocer. Try It n ieQndUnote t he idiffer- aaa - -~ a. - a.~a. a. a. a. a. - a. a. a. a. a. a. a. ~ ISILVER CUP GRAPEFRUIT JUICE.ý - -~ -~ -~ a. * Reaul Coffee Econorny Stewa rt$' CO FF E E 2 Ibs. 1Ih.k Ca38C 1r'te summer iteme WhY fDot tike a 12 lb. case &long, or have your grocer ship ýa supply of Stewartaà Coffee and the o th!e r gôod les sometimes laokin in summner places. T1hink of it!1 you use 0111Y1 pet cup. Thin STEWA PRT ecause 0f ne, heaping No* 2' 0.4 g cans39~(j *Genuisue Mexicon Flao.r!t CHILI, CON CARNE 2Né,1 25 Cans MEXICAN TAMALES 2 cana 35e Yes. the real thlng the pride of Mexican cookery. Always keep several cans on your pantry sheif for quick lunches, unexpected guesta, etc. BUTTER COOKI-ES .46 cookie>s in package ~I 2 pkajs. CORN.. SILVER CUP PEARS ... ...... SILVER CUP PORK& BEANS. .. 17 0E Co 2cans 21cý No. ý2'/2 Cons. 2 ca ns 45'Ç JHo. 303 Cons3 Câfls 29c 3cè j I * ENTRELLA Are Quoed on *the eMorket's lest Orders placed 1 delivery wiIl be Wilmette 420-25 WILMBTTE LUFE. '4, c c c c" Delicious, lb. . .. -6 à r-