Commodore Teais Our own brand end -wonderfully fragan ad e freshmng servedi hot or cold--Por iced.tea, brew a ,trifle stroniger and pour.over chopped beo- ~/2 lb. 45c /4l.25ci Grapefruit Delucieéus - tr eae0 ripened fruit6 Chili and serve for, break- fast, in solads or as àa. fruit cockti- 6 for85C Sections ,No. 2 2-9 C IRichelieu Fresh Fruit jams Pure -fruit and sugar in a veriety of flevors-Aprico;t PecGape é, ebrry, Raspberrye Damson PIum.and Dlecbeury. .3 for 79r.- 27cz- Chee ii lvenokCtspTuna Fih New York Mate, Gnuine, ailtwhite mat--!Fer taèstyApple Sau.ce Genfuine crisp, flaky: Ritz crackers A' pure' and pleasing condiment te slsandsnwce rt~afs i Good cooklingj apoles are hiard te gjet now-This aýppi. sauce s m&de from with, a chfeese flavor. Se goodith mai wt o rcedmas n- o .9Dchoicel selected fruit andi i elicieus. coid drinks or with crisp 142 2 ~ o 2fn sid-Pkg. A-*léJ Chicken of thé SeaA ___________________________________________________ igh4Mat.Tun-1/'s- .fr£I. Dz i. FISH$ - POUIITRY FRESH DRESSED STEWING CHICKINS. The stewing chickens are rich in chicken 'haver. Add new potatoos three-quarters of an heur before L stew is don. and serve witfi shredded new beets. lb.- £2k FRESH DRESSED BROILERS. Urh, what is more inviting than golden brown chick.n? 24lb. average. lb.- JJ c FRESH PORK TENDERLOUN. No banes, no waste and ail ready to bread and fry. lb,.- 9 CICKEN' LIVERS. For a iuncheon entree, stpper dish, or chicien M1514 F R4ITS VALIENCIA JUICE ORANGES ~iy Sweet Raver and very jiy Perfect for the morming orane juice or cold drinks.a 3 . .79c 1 *. For SPRING LEGI Of LAMB. ftub with olive.oit oid add a clove>of' garlie wher, roasting. lb.- 3k FRESH LAKE TROUT. S'ake or broil and garnish witb siced, coolced potatoesiand cucum ber29 $lices. lb.- JUMBO SMRIMP. Sa tender and tasty, especially when they are cooked 8 minutes ini boilinq. sait water.. Re. New* Potal Fresh A (Prices based 'on rapefruit Juice Lake Trout e - Shredded Beets içumber Salad Service for'4> or dessert., . 9 NEW POMMTES. Firm anid favoisome Boll, fry or bake tb. larger ones. A i5-lb. ,,k-c- C NEW BUETS. For a hot vegetabie saiad. Rich and colorfui. Bunde- 5c Wlunelka 51 Wilmetli'151: ber Wn.s Lquoron Sae aof 3959 Brodway Rogers Park 0118 Bucklaghaum 2000 JUNE 10, 1937 MATS. I JUNE