.q4 T is is i'tw ficturcof Dorothy I~atnîn. Brv'u<'in Pack 2 rc'- cent/ "f owu p," wlw will .joi111ii t/i' Inno! ofthe scout duay-camp b 1w /,cld i)l th', l v'wforest fre- sorz" Uamns Uod.ç thcla.st w .11 XVoods.as june 21,. 23,,25, 28, a4d.30.. and july 2. Morton Arboretum Olfe of the days at' camp -wiIl be given to a -trip to the Morton arborèéý- tum iat Listle about 25 miles southWest, where a giuide witt poinit out at lea.st o9n Ie Of every shrub or tree thaàt,>can be grownin i this climiate. Established Camping This past ýýeek Miss, Franices Ctter of the cran r' onninttce, has hee A trained nurse is on duty at these camps at ail tinies. It is expected that Timber Trait on the northerni Peninsula of Michigan will again be open to Mimette, older girls. No Girl Scout will be admitted to camp without a health certificate signed by a physician flot more. than 48 Iirs 1in advance of:,arrivai at camp., Medical cards, may -be ob- tained ini advance from, the camp. The members- of the local counicil especialty commend, the Scouts who mrade sufficient sales fo entitte the 1m to attend. the " I'30 do'zen" part'y, but more e s pe ci a11y commend those Scouts who greatly augmented the number of sales necessary for the f rolic. l3rowniies: Pack 1, Elaîne Buzan, Phyllis Chapmuan. Martha Merrifield, El*,izabeth . Mersbach, Betty Kohl, 'Mary WJI, Virginia Sa.unders, Carol Miller, Jv.dy- Stevenson. Pack 2: Shirley Bonnem, Jean Seiberts, M.Nax- ine Hirsch, Barbara Ann Baur, Phivl- lis Kresge, joan Funkhauser. Pack 3: janet Camphausen, Vera E.ster, Hope Everhain, Jane Greyling, qaIIY Jane Lyon, NMary 'Morrison, Ruth RÈatnyý, Myrna Lee \Vatters. and Marv Mooni. Pack 4: Nancv Adler, Joan Adler, Virginia Bush, Tona Gardine, Doris Jonsnon, AlieR llen TZ'nnedv. EaP, intiaai acore~'s First, Nadii.e ý arner, 103 dozen; second, Jean Van Wiîïkte, .42 dozen; third, Alice Etlen Kennedy, 40 dozén: fourtti, Barbara McNeitt, Virginia Spitzer, each 36 dozen.. Pack 4 -%as first with Mrs. Harry Adler, Brown Oil, and Pack 3, Mrs. Earl Lyon, Brown Owvi. was second. Girl Scouts Sales Troop 2.: Nanicy Drake, Joan Dun- cati, Doree Hammonid, Nancy Hien- derson, Crystat Jacksoi, Marjorie 731-2S$14-1 LAMB3 BonelesaRolIed Ftnest quality, gen- uine sprlng lamnb, no .bone, . 2 9 waste..Lb Fresh Mint Free Boneless Brisket w-ithl'a lac é extraý' flavored sug- ai, cure. Very ten- der and juiîcy .NO bote ... Lb. 29c] H4ow, About q VEAL ROAST?) LEG 0F VEAL 23 5to 6-lb. average .Lb.. . POCICET VEAL ROAST., L.i5 Fine for stufflngLb STEWNG HE.NS Famious. milk-fed Wapsie Valtey quality. f res h dressed.Lb29 e 4-lIb average....L > 72n fRYING CHICKENS Delicious, plump and tender rniIk-fed Wapsie 2- to 3-1b. average ......... ...Lb Califor nia Valencia ithat.- CAULIFLOWER. Snow white heads............. . ...Head 17C TOMATOES. Gardeni grown-for fine, cool salads..... Basket 29C LETTIJCE. Cali f ornia-firni',crisp Icebergs ............... 2 for 19c NEW POTATOES. Red Triuniphs. U. S. No. 1 Grade. ..10 lbs. 33C Small size for creaming - 10lbs. 23c MQNARCH SPECIALS NUT M.EATS 1 Crackegl, Fancy Qu VIS' selected i.vrss, 1nernice. L i £iaVtii camp director. This camp adniits Brownies as wetl as their otder sis- ters, the Scouts. Camp Shaginappi, on the eastern shore-of Lake, WinniebagoD, 14 miles north of Fond 'du Lac,.on.Highwtýay 55 bas as camp director Mrs. Dorothy Davis' Dow, who, announces that bler. eacti ; tLinr(, . bLiI oei, 355ciozen; fourth, Nancy Sutherland, 47 dozen. First, Troop 4, Mrs. J. H. Roberts, captain; second, Troop 2, Mrs. L. P. Denoyer, captain;. third, Troop Si5 Miss Betty Busby, captain. jars9 Moeke up an assortment 01 these Ilavors. Dus.. Tow.I l oMers each 1k FRESH CAU GHT TROUT. 2- to 4-lb. average .*...*Lb.27 RFRESH BONELESS PIKE. FRESH FISH No Bone-No Waste ...Lb.29 FRESH FIS HALIBUT STEAK. Lb29 Frsh .. .......... L . 9 e