NO MATTEII how careful you may be, the "other fel- Iow" must always be redc- oned w ith. He mnay be taking a chanice! Avoid the consequences' of a collision that brings a court summons,. a trial, a judgment and perhaps coni- plete financial disaster. In- INBUftANCE AGENC B.G. Eberi. 522 Contr St. Winnofka Rapp Buiding ANNUP *United Air Lines in May will regis- ter an increase of approximately fifty per cent in revenue passenger. miles over the preceding month on its New York -Ch icago- Paci fic coast route, it is indicated by preliminary figures an- nounlced rêcently by- traffic officiais of the company. During the, flrst' ten, days, of May the. company- reported. a total of ,7,53revenue passenger miles as comnpared .With -1,813,695 in the corres- ponding portion' of April.. fficiaI.Sý lattributed: the increa se to placing-theý Skylounge Mainlanders on. new three- stop 15V-hour Continental"! ,flights, between California andNew York. Traffic has :been so heavy ôn this overnight. coast-to"coast schedule that the conipany wiIl soon add an extra daily. ro 'und trip section.' In addition,, increased New, York-ChicaLgo ýtrafflc led to the recent establishmient of aý third' daily non-stop flight ini each di- rection between the se cjties. Further stimulation to traffic re- sulted from placing Douglas-built- Mainliners on faster schedules over the Seattle- Portlan d- San, Francîsco- Los Angeles airway of United. The conipany will receive dlvr of the firs.t of its ten hew sleeper-- type Mainliners *within three. weeks, and shortly afterward wiIl establish new overnighit schedules coast-to- coast.*** ay bove the grounid, it m-as annownced reccntly by President W. A. Patter- s on, to resuit i added conifort, ae- *58 and efficiency. sft Patterson said that under the di-« -rection of F. E. Caldwell, superiniteud- j e nt .of IJnited's dispatch departinent. pilots fly the various divisionis at mni- i niuns set forth in air logs covering Lt e ac sector. Each pilot records his path of flipMt on these logts, which are E nspected at the end of the trio to )elta TIheta, and elected secretary conditions and agree on the tnyabilitv .of. weather conditions and the niost suitable plan of flight.,-Either the dispatcher or the pilot can cancel the flight, and neither can cause a flight to: be, operated: if either pilot or disýý p atcher -feels it inadvisable. Duýring flight, .United's pilot is the cÇaptain of his plane, and as sùch hasthe' final responsibility in plan of navigation. Once again this, year roseswiIl t ak e to the airways from points'in ail parts, of the United. States, for ,flights to Portland, Ore., -wherethey will coin- pete in. the second annual air mail rose show, to bé held duri ng Porti-, land's atinual rose festival1, this ,week. By means of new coast-to-coast and Pacific Coast schedules,' roses picked in a1most afly part of the toiintrywili be delivered to Portland in less than a day; from mnany. points, almost overnight. . Fortv-two cities in 22 states. and the District of Columbia sent a total of 248 entries by air mail for the 1936 contest. Schmitz Is J , at the age ot 88. rHe was iloiy- aý few hours following -a stroke.- On june 26 he ,vould have cele- brated his 89th birtday., Boriu iii Wildenburg, Germany, he. camre to) this counltry in 1884., A brick layer ai-d mason by trade, he lived for- a tume in Chicago and flrst came to Wilniette 53 years ago. For the past 48 years he had miade his home con- tinuously in the village, and has been practically retired from busitess sinicc *Rahn, son of WXalter Rahn, 1182 Cherry street, is. a junior in the sthool of commerce. He attended New, Trier High school with Simp- son and Mathison. Simpson, sonl of Orval. Simùpsoil, 865 Auburn road, is a junior ini the college ýof liberal arts. Mathison is a junior in tieý collee of liberal arts and.,aà member of the M en's Glee club. 'He ik the son of Sarah K. Mathison, 84 Abbottsford road. CHAIRA' *Harol d C. Moh r (aboz!.e) n'as ap/iainted chairmian of the nonzi- nati,îg copmittce of the Wilnzielt 1'osti of the Amierican Le qion, at thé, genetrally ny at /,u(M, y,uuor ii,OW 1 feet. Between Chicago and the Pacific copast westbound planes usually fly atg 1,000 'feet, while eastbound planes aýverage, 11,000. feet.. Between Los 'Angeles' and San Prancisco south-J daughter, summer. Princiia. Feriday Peterson, president of the Legion Aux- forace M. Capron of 560 iliary unit, with a book of verse in A, JCenilworth, drove to S t. token of appreciation of the efforts of Iy this week to bring- her, the unit in assisting in Poppy Day; and Constance, home for the also voted to send a local young inan to Constance is a freshman at thé, Boys' State. at. Springfield- this They expect. to be, hom e fmonth, but final appointinet twas nlot to, be niâde this week. j Fer qYeàt .s A rf:Hodqwuéri's F.rwd 11379 Dw,, tAV#.,.