-- p ue iing sloul e kept in 1 exPect 1W o t ofthe familys -capac"-t1y elcted o iiw n o n w u be -lu ' n damage in a rowdy cafe office: lct Mrs. Charles Buell, scelle ini which they'retaeue. mind: a home is flot simpîy a eous to pay. It is the annulcrrigMr.Gorg odn'Mr.C offfiecese t o b ew York plus some land on which to build it. charges rather than the sales price MeioeMs amsFnresC . by Oecktel, wseintsurûedwr York00 A, home is a project. Many intangible which determine at what incmelee * . hkesJa ,nrinr. S J. Esn-buny c over wsistransortatio facorsener into the proiect that aml an acquire a- home. gaMr. Mr Newm, Mris. nd del ver t Parao ti.1Th can go frto ni ak or art u c s . O v o ~ t e p rod u ctio n of h om es F ra nk T . C raw ford, M r '. L w r n e t e i ei gT hdesp c al y b Ifitistobeasatisfactory venture, a for ownership as well balanced pr 1 J. Stein, Mrs. E. W. Çonaàble, Mrs, Willar eog f o ngls souind projectthlen it* must have 'in ects is a iask entailing great'social ArthureR.gDeaf Mrs. Pnreiea it the priceless ingredient of balan ce. responsibility and one that aAsf rtHu trrMssngn . Ruer . oar d Thismreans ouemut es-pecialized'knowledge and skilL. The Ms MEwrd Yýuem A. R and Mrs' ecoîlomy ba and xpected t .o re- (1) That the os utb nrlght realization that we must think of an- ryniondwDat. em. n- r. mi nWabÛtn .ni heedo realnhpto teieantoits gen- owned home flnot. as. a dwelling 4inly Ryod uh the war. erai nelghborhood surroundings., but as a project has withjn it the germ Mr. and. Mrs. F. D. Fulto ha Itwsrptd RL.itgad cludifng the bouse, Its location, the condi-o l on PVaepcteadal'sd hrh'Ftzça <2 m t th w o e nd r ak ng o ri at ra ti e an a l sod1h ir b use at* 224 R idge avenue left 'W innetka M onday f or . F ort tiolns it wouId give for work and play,, sound policy. relative to homùes.". and. moved inito tlîieir new home at Sheridntoaedthofcrsr- an.the cost per. year, mnust alt fit. the ---_______________ 267Rig. avenue. va oatn hoférs e family's wants and needs and be wlthinRde serve training school. Mr. Wool- what it can safely undertaketo pay. Aitanallchoanbsnes heiser wil aebspaei Etxpert Gaves Adwicese lltae isplceinmanaging, oThsPaE.ertark, e peidentirîtmeeting,. the Woman's guild, of Christ the village."» ThsPu X.SaV nw rsdn churcb had elected.. as officers the M r. and rs enri Delebecque had. ofthe Nationa.l Association of.fReal 20-. YearsAgoMsae .H erlGog :mvdfom Lincoln avenue. to their: Estate boards, and long one of the -oFarnswortb, J. W. Prindiville, Ernest new apartment at 55%Rira' côunryscleaestthîkerson hé S.. Ballard, C. S. Jackson, Raynor F. avenue. subject of home ownership, points out An ordinance was passed calling for Starr, and C. D. Dallas. asth pimryaprac ii i 0 the paving of, one and three-fourth M\'rs. Arcbibald W. Shaw had left portant decision that thousands - les of Sheridan road f romin Kenil- for California to spend a week before 10 er Ag American families w~illbe akn in orb t Hu ad 1 1. Fort Sheri- joining lier faniily in 'W ashington, th iss Beatrice Ripley bad composed the months and years just aliead ofdnadGra ae wr ailyD .M. hwhdacetda ree sangs wbich were being sung ,ý.uillina,,idbGrerts for wre rviepoio i t,1ý C ' hah overu etonteaat Vassar club by the sophomore Once yoti think of a homueas aaf -___________________fr____sevic_____________he_________othe______________ rtur toWinetk project you realize that the financing JclassforShe suo ern oWnek plan is a part of it, no less than the TR BUTE Ju NE A OG N ne 7, for the Cumverse. s en walls or the roof. So are the legs!I T IT E V R L O A v Is aci ovrehsbe instruments set up to safeguard vou 1______________________________________iselected as general manager of the in the enjoyment of yýour home., an nual musical comedy of the Wom- Three tbings in relation to land for w estnetiasiation of North-. a home are of primary importance for weerunvsty for the following a sound oroiect: 3. The Nvay the neýghborho'od rnay be (hpen(Ied upo4-n to keep) its character. Study the Neigliborho.o4 The best assurance you can have of continued satisfaction from a house as a borne and the best factor of Safety for your investment in a home lies ini the'stabil ity of the community around it as. a. continued residential neighborbood. Further, it bas no w become your best aid' in securing sat- is-factory terms ini financing your pur- c hase, since mortgage lenders are coming to rate the stability of, a neigh- u.er parents, Mr. a d Mrs. Charles A*1spenwall, in Winnetka. .Mr.and Mrs. J)asper S- King wcre receiving congratulations on the birtb ofa son, Lindsay Ricketts King. Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Ballard and Mr. and Mrs. George T. Leach had returned from White Sulphur springs, where they attended the annual spring meeting of the In'vestment Bankers association1 of America. The, neighborhood. Above aul, notai the rrtepcc purpose of paying their ofsteWiilg abwith fluivwers he rave hoUse and its location must ft the lrespectssatcthis time ta the Civil War of Comirades who died ini defene f needs and wants of the famîy for commander, who 70 years ago, issued a their country d uring the late ree!on which it.is to be a hd«me as far as the famous order which General Logan and whose bodiee now li eiiimost conditions eitigwill Permit.'l he stated .was "the prudsé ctofny er ctyviîa governing conditions.are on th c elfe. I hi Ëda said .Congressman yard in the, I mltand chrch VISIT IN MICHIGAN. Mr. and - Mrs., Phil Huguenin of ,506 Lake, avenue -rec<qntIy ,spent -a week -in Holland, Mich., with their daughter, Mfrs.. 0. W. Lowry.