r.1 JUNSit &3 e4- IBREEN Feature S Comaedy' wilh MAY ROBSON CHARtLEss BW'tEWORT rts at 7:59 and 9:50 m't Be Like TJat9p 1 Keep a supply of eanâ .ed or bottIed beer ln your refrigerator during the hot sumrner weather. ConPlete service by the barrel, hait, quarter and elghth. We have your favorte braaud for SpeciaI Occasion Phone BEN ERICIKSON Erickseu's DaIivery W"liet. 40M2. establise%1 by a black crepe frock Claudette Colbert wears in "I Met Him In Paris." Designed by Miss Colbert' s favorite style expert, Travis Banton, this dress stresses a straigbt. slim, short silhouette. The shoulder fine is widened above long siéeves by a collar treatment which extends out o v er t.he, shoulders and is'acceituat-' ed by a narrow trirnming of gold braid. Miss Colbert's,.accessories are biack. and include sleek, pumps. a, tailorëd, feit hat and a large. black fox muif which takes the place of the regulatîin fox scarf usually used to complet e such an outIfit. IOe-Piece Pajamgs Are 0K for Info rrmai Dinne r Pajamas are back for, dininer parties at home. Replacing the bouse.. coat, so popular' recently with Holly- wood's,.smarter set,' these,,one-pi.ece pajamas have been. adopted .by the younger players with Mary Carlisle leading thxe paradle. In "Double or Nothing," opposite Bing Crosby, Mary wears a youthful pajama of thin black velvet with a bolero, under wbich a transparent pink organdy blouse adds an extra note of femninin- ity., The organdy is edged with narrow pink lace anid gives that feeling of frothy freshness important in the new trend. Cape, Dress, Uniform in History la Made at Night. Walter Wanger United Artists picture, di- rected.by Frank Borzage, and. star- ring, Charles Boyer, Leo Carillo, jean Art hur, and Colin Clive. Teatro del Lago, june 6, 7, 8. Varsity theater, Jua.e 6, 7,.8. The s tory a.ofthe Titanic's. collision with thé ice- basis. of thià exciting, spec- tacular f ilin .with much;... .. .. ëorn edy to re- lieve tense sit-.. .... uati on s. Thé a c tor s are wiell, cast l-and the dialogue is especial.Iy Jean Arthur g o od. The costusmes are heatiful a'nd there are inany dramatic scenes. The plot, too, centers about the jealousy of .a rich ship builder for his wife. He's about to frame her, using Boyer as the dupe when Boyer, real- izing the situation, pretends to kidnap the lady. Nancy Steele la Misulag. ZOthCen- tury F~ox picture,i Marshall, with cted by George, tor McLaoelen,.l r Personal Property. MGM picture. -directed, by William S. Vani Dyke, -with Jean Harlow' Robert Taylor, Henrietta Cressman, Una O'Connor. 1and RegiîrahitfYWei:î Stadiuin theat.er, June 6, 7. A'ýmerry, madefarce in the miaiiueri Of "Libeled Lady" which means 'high- powee romance mixed in vwith 1Ia ughs. Bob 'is assigned by I the sheriff to guard Jeçan's personal property; that's where- the fun begins. _Then lie, masquerades, as. her butler so that ber society friends won'tsuspe.ct. she'Y flat broke, -but the honor guest at the party turus ont t'O be Bob's fortune hunting brother, vbothinnks jean îs an heireSS. QuaitY Street. RKO-Radio -picture with Katharin 1e Hepburn, Frane'hot Tone, Eric lbre, Cora Witherspoon. Wilmette theater, june 6, 7,. 8. The play by Sir James Barrie of. the fashionable and gossipy street iin the London of a Cienturyý and a quar- ter ago is brougbt' to life on theý screen througb the good work of Miss. Hepburn and Mr. Toue. .Rated as thie best of the Hepburni Pictuires since "Little \Woiieii" she plays two- -roles, Phoeb.e and Lily; r Formerly the OId Mansion 1401 Sheridan Road Wilmette Across from'San Loh -Beach- MRL. CHA4RLES COFFMAN, Manager,, presents a specialty in lis "charcoal broîled" steaks, .and chicken and fish dinners. cular cape of the same, Iength. 1i-~ stead of a biat, 'Miss Lamiours lead is wound ini a new type of turban, nxatching bier costume. Botlb the cape and the turban have been se- lected by style scouts as important fôr advance faîl style notes. WITH ARTHUR William Davidson, Vernion Dent, Richard Barbee and Edwin Stanley -+,lý - A - 1 --I-- - Ir. later, to the 'penitentiary. The down to the s mallest "bit"' playei perfect. The dramtic situations and the usual plot intrigues one's interest holds t to the last. The picture been bighly reconmmended by Better Films counicil for mature diences. cast r, iý Is auoe gïve it a high etitertaitimeint 1, value. is 1Rainbow on the River. Sol Lesser picture., starring Bobby Breen. Coni-, - muniity theater, june 4, 5. d The brilliailt boy tenor is surrounàded ýs by such *capablé pe-rfomers: as May~ e Robson,- Charles Butterwortb 'Louisýe -Beavers, Alan Mowbray, Benita Hume. Marilyn Knowlden, Hanrv O'Neil and *the famnous Hall jobuson1 choir. The principal production was di- Served frofi 6:00 to 1:00 a. m. b *Sundas 2:0p. rn.t0î:1:00 b Flili, Chiokon, Stealk, fanious Qerman D)Jshes No Cover Charge at 4ny Time. OP«*~Od by Cazel-Kocli Co.-Cffl Morton Grove 2211 JAlthough this great play wa-s writ- 'en by William Shakespeare more than 360 hundred' years ago, it bas seldomn been played with more human SppPeal that it is in this s uperb screen version_ Wbich should. plea'se both, those. who know and love,,Shakespeare IFR1. I I i i i I