t..abe, IEvanston; social 'chairnani, Rut, i Glenn, Oak Park; . class secretary, Marthia Corin,. Chrism-an, Ill.; class treasurer, Dorothy Duncan, Streator Ill.,' and editor of ýtheý College Annmal, Mary .Ruth Allis, ýevansville, Iid. William M, James, 208: Lawvndaie avenue, returned recently .frorn a fi shing trip to Big, San 1d Lake clf niear ýPhelps,, Wis:' F:.-NOTICE, TOOUR -PATRONS"-ii During the reconstruction of R'dge Roa HUBERT HOFFMANN &SONS FLORIsTsý cari be retched' by driving directly west on Isabella Street to our Greenhouses. 204 Ridg e Roud or Teilephone WiUmetle 3300 University 3301 TO CUT MOTO, There is a Moto-Mower for every size lawn and curtllng condlition. Rangin'g in size fro.m, 17 inches to 72 incimes. with a Ivhoe a d paetical suggestions to n nth ficie nt t o nus e ar th. Ars p enate o f ad Y"soeaatu adhes hs articles, Bordeaux Mixture, alid Paris Gren are apperingeaeh week, inclûdce informa- tion on the general subject of gardenj also very. Poisonlous. Ail utensils used ýplanning and care, soil and plant physi upeprn h spray w.ith these mna- rology and related subjects. Dr. Fonder terials should be washed.ason s is assocfiated with the Caldwell Seedas on s. vornpany ait 1502 Shermùan avenueé, Ev- ans-ton, where lie nakes his headquar- ters.WRITE TO US -IMPORTANCE 0F SPRAY-S a If we would. garden we must' spray- Dr. P. . Fonder, the author of. [,-well and wisely-or (tiseases- and in- ',(xardlen .,Ilînts,". solicits expres-e sýects will work havociii our choicest sions tro .ni his readers adalgr platings. The more effective the SprayrdndVte.Teemycren used and'the more thoroughly it is. ap- tden -orrn otequTestions rerdi plied.attjuist the.proper time the greater r t(u wIl bete degree of. control obtained ' certain difficuilties e'ncounitered by ýThe gardener of today is much beter the' gard .ener. or as. suggestions- equppeôt wage the fight against anid, inits ab)out unusual succ.ess, (li.seaé;psesdand ins.eets than w as the 'gar- achieved >ii , cultivatinig certain dener ofdeven a-few years ago, 1 Spray'2 flowers or slirul)s, care of soil, fer- ing and usting devices and.-insectic ides tilizatwi o aY.oh r dtis t a andfugiides have ail been gre5atly im- ifli<lit lIe considercd of interestto ,prtoved and. new and more e ffective spray, help anmateur gardenlers -ini* this l'o- matrialsi(are now available. Also, no- cality Sýucli'coinmiunicatiols* mus 1t tabe snies have been' made ii t1 ,bc conlined to not more than 300 breeding of strains of v7ariouis plants jwords,' because .of in1)i ied space. whieh' are resistant'to certain systemaltic ~ Please 'feel frec to nak-e suich con- diseases which cannot be controlled by tributions at' ani tirne. Tîîey ili s 1praying. b Ic. sinicely elcomed.' Wh ile the efficiecyý of a inateriai as eithier an «il]secticide or a funigicide is of primary, importance there are 5ther con- r PYandI the original container should sýideration which slïould deterinen the 1be destroycd or washed to reinovc ail of choice made. If a spray is iii-osn the poison. ()US, if it is readv for use and easy to Spray Materials hiandle, and if it is 'less apt to produce The hcst li,>-poisonlous spray mate- injurvý to the i)platit, it ShOuld Ibe pre- rials contain i cther pyrethrumi extract or ferred to a niaterial o>f equal efficicncv rotenonle. Pyrethrum $i a specific con- flot possessinig tlhes.e' cualitiles. trol for aphlidis and will kili somneote Cost Per Galon 'inisects 'if it cornes .in conta'ct wjth them. :Ini corisidering tihe cost -f a sOray ima- Hlowev'er, it is puireîy a contact spray.1 terial the original price is not of signi Rotelnne is both a powerful contact bein th cot pi- io g 1 -,tomlacl, poisoni. Il * ri ethe co f'W' alnoff ' ilterefore kil lot onlly thjeinct of an ef ecive concentration. O n e i11- s r y d w t t u l o c v ig ise ts Isctide my ost014y 3.0 pcr alln or several days after application. The * hl nother mav cost $12.00; but if ielsryi n ýiii oian oi 'le irst can be diluited with onlv 20 ofdespraens omife ihcteains otts oo hef aensleefetv emont gallns ~f vatr 'hilu the second ÎS Such a spray lias , provenluheins just as effective \\hIen diltited 'wth 6001effective in keupîng alothplnsu gallns he lattr i muh moe eo-1the garden irec! of insects., nonicl.One gallon of finishied spray of the first type would cost 15 centsI %vhereas th'e second would cost but 2 j VISIT IN CALIFORNIA cent pergalln. wulMr. and Mrs; C. H. Coppel, 1534 Thus the chicapcr 'spray wffdactil-1Wa.shingtonm aveniue, are spending or MOTO.MOWER COMPANY 1045 Washington BINd. Haymorket 6870 Chicago$, Factory Branich frtutor vegetables makes them subject Junle to condemnation by federal inspectors. for F( When 'Poisonous sprays are used 1 the June residue is washied offbefore shipping. Wîll. R( Ini the home' garden 'the principal rea-. son for' using 'a non-poisonous material would be to eliminatethe dànger to thl-' Junle dren and'pets.. It is probabli htth ie, 6, 7 and 8--"Quality Streét,", (mature). 9 and l0-"Doctor.Buill" with, ,ogers, for F. CommSuni'ty Holusel 4 amnd5--"Rainbow. on 'the f or F. Continuiously' operated 'the year around for 18 years by original owner. Large 2-story brick buil ding with spacious grounds and.the beautiful CRYSTAL BALLROOM NýOWOPENý. . 1 à.-