FRED A. ELUIS aCo. INMC." Heating .& Air Condltlonlng 40 Yeare of; Continupus Servie OIL BIJANEILS and AIR CONDITKONERS BOILUS EIJILNEIL VXITS BAs, BOILEIS STOKEES .040 Center Street Wlinoths sui ýA CION Mt YARD id à 'AshI.d U#4 Ot any its e years. Funeral services were held at ber residence on Saturday aftérnoo n, with the Rev. John G. Hindley,ý minister of the FirstCongregational church, officiating. Interment u!as at Rose- hill cemetery. Mrs.' Clampiti is survived hy one Son, EdwinJ. 908 Central avenue. Wilmette. Mr.Hannah Bede Diqes at Residence 1n Kenilworth, Mrs. Hannah Bede, a resident of Keiwrhfor maniy years, pass ed away last Friday ai the home of her, daughter,1 Mrs. Harry A.',Jaeger, 539 Briar street.- She"bad been 111 for some time. PFuneral services were he . d on Sat- urday at the Rosehili cemeterv chapel. Besides her daugbter, ivith whomi she had made ber home, she is sur- vived by a son.,,Howard Bede, 1813, Rice street. Ravinia. Besi des ber son she is survived by two grandcbilren, and by two sis- ters-in-la'w, - Mrs. Ada Osborne and MNrs. Parepa. Franklin. F.ormer'-Resident of North. Shore Is Dead, Paul F. W. Kehling,. who was a resident of ilmette forilmany vears. died ait his home in. Los Anigeles.. Calif., Thursday-.ofe last ek Mr. Kehling,' who, moved to the village, about 1910, made his home ai 719 Laurel ý avenue -until 19271 when the Keblings moved to Los Angeles. He, was associatedwith the wholesale departient of Marshall Field. and coômpany for. many ypears.-and, was a ,past master of1 the L incoln Park Masonic lodge. Althougli Mr. Kehling had not been in robust health for somne lime, his déath followed' a very brief illhess, He is survived by his widow, M.\rs. Rose Kebling, by his mother, M.\rs. A. Mersbach, and by three daughters, Mý rs. Phyllis Langdon of Wilmiette,1 Mrs. Frances Chambers and Mlissi Pauline Iehling of Los Angeles. Einar Haugsness Passes Away in City. Hospital ttIe Swedlish lwangelical tFree church, Chicago, with. the pastor, the Rev. Frank Anderson, officiating. Mliss \Vendell, who had been a missionar3 in Canton, Chin a, for 30 yea rs, camée home two ycars ago on a furlough. 1-er health began to fail last -summi-er, and. for- the 14 weeks before. her. death, she, had' been a patient at the hospital.' Besides her nmother she is survived b v threc sisters and six brothers. Hold 'Last Rites 'for Warren J. Bu.rke',,Jr. Funieral services for Wyarren Jud- son Burke, Jr., son of Mr. and MIrs. 'Warren J. Burke,.677- Sheridan road, Glencoe, who passed away. suddenly Iast Saturday in Tucson,ý Ariz., were held tbis Thursday afternoon ait he homie of his parents . Mr. B~urke, a graduate of Amiherst colgwas engaged in the real estate business. He was 28 years old. He -was a mernber of the Amn- herst and Skokie Country clubs anîd of Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Besides his parents, he is survived by his widow, the former Barbara Barrett of Winnetka,; by a sister, Eleanor, and by a brother, Grinneli. Burial xvas to *be at Mlemorial Park SLilar ~ Iaugsness, v618.rrairie ave-.--- nue, Wilmette, a resident of the ,vil- lage for 16 years, 'passed away on Wilniettev, with internient at Me- Wednesday of last wveek in à hospital mioriai. Park cernetery. in Chicago, after an illness of two Nir. Haugsness, who wvas a tailor,ils ,.Neeks. 1 urvived by bis widow, and by seven Funeral services .were held on Fni- c.hildren: Earl, Evelyn, Richard, day afternoon at the. Scott chapel i Lawrencé. Royal, Willard, andJa. DIpIy ,,836 S.,MkchIgo Av*., Chicg. -You May Purchase it- at SNIDER.AZEL DRUG CO. 1167 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, 111. i BAI LI Aubd>