Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1937, p. 3

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me CO"ÔRDINATION 0F RECREATIO0N AGENCIES PLAN! Wilmette and 1Evanton Offi- ciais Will Meet at Golf Club-. bouse This* Evening At the forfhcoming meeting of the d.irectors of the Evansfon Coffmmunity Recreaf ion association, which main- ta.ins thé golf links along the right- of-way of the Dra.inage canal, f0 be held at the club house this (Thurs- (lay eveing, there will be officiais present fromn Wilrnette and Evanston, President Hàrry C. Kinne of the * Wilmette Village board will bc ac- companied .by Daniel. M. Davis. di- rector of recreation in Wilmiette. If is expecfed that Mayor H. V. Pcinfield of Evansfon Will be present. Alderman Thomas. F. Airth of the sýixth ward in Evansfon, whois chair- m ian of the, parks committee of the Evansfon City counicil, is the mu- niicipal director appointed by Evanston oni the board of the Commun-ify Rec- reaf ion association and he will be accompanied at the meeting by Charles T. Byrnes, head of the rec- réation activities in- Evanstonl. Ani effort will be made to co- * ordiinate the work of the recreation association wifh the activity in Vil- invtte anid Evansfon. l'lie Recreaf ion association is de- sirotis of offering its facilifies f0 fthc people of lvanston and Wilmette, mncii and women, young and old. If is conducted wifhouf profit and, after paying expenses and scffing, up a reasonable reserve, the profits are Local Officiais Study New Truck License: BiHL The following telegrame was re- ceived, by.-Wii,mM ELuE Wed- hesday, relative to a .new trucking bill- 11eW before the state legisla-' tur. t Was sent by Paul Darrow Paddock,, secretary of the, North, Shore Prope rty Ow'ners associa- tion, who is in Springfield watch- ingthe progress of events 'as they apply.,te invasion 'of résidential streets by large. trucking com- pailes: Springfield, June. 2 (Special) - Mayors and attorneys of the north shore towns are studying a new trucking bill introduced' in the legisiature Tuesday nighit to re-' place Seiïate Bill 400 which was tabled. The new bill is being rushied through the Senate and administra- tion forces are being rallied to have it approved by both houses at this general assembly. More than 1,000 bills ~are now on the dockets for last minute action. "The new bill contains' a pro- vision . ntended to prevent routing of. freight trucks on residential merce Commission ivill have juris- diction over common, confracf and cartage carriers. "'OfficiaIs of' the north shore towns have been urged to ask for more time in which to study the new, bill. Copies of it are not ycf available today, June 2.î . "t was hurried from commiftee to first reading last night and is scheded d ~Afor seco~nd rpeadinL o- r. Change..Zone, Rating on Central Avýenue Upon recommendation of the Zon- ing..commission, the Village; board on Tuesday nigit, passed an, amendment. to the zoning ordinance changing the .classification of the property at 1225 Central1 avenue f romt "B" commercial to "C ndustrial. The property, which abuts alley on th*ree sides, faces 60 feet on1 Central avenue. and 180 feet on the alley just east of the post office. The. improvement now consists, of a combined brick and frame building ini disrepair, and occupie d as a. garage, which is to be repflacé'd with a mnodern gas station and contractôr's office, the former, it is reported, to be operated by the Pure Qil company anid the office f0 be' occupiéd by James Crabb, owner of the proper.fy. In arriving at its recommendaf iont for rezoning, the commission consid- ered the character of surrounding properfies as well as* fraffic condi- tions, concluding thaf there would be no demand in the near future for re- tail space in the locality, and that the Kenilworth to Open Beach for Public June 19 Kenilworfh's beach wîll .be opened o11 Julie 19, f wo weeks from Satur- day. it was announced this week by Hafrrvr P. Ha~rrison, Président- of the FOOD STORES TO CLOSE :AT 12:30 O N WEDNESDAYS.ý Haif Holiday fo r Employees Ntireeèd.Upon as9 ChamberLof commerce Cooperates Anno;uncement. is made by the .Wilmette Chamberof.Commerce that the majority of food stores in Wil- mette -will close at 12:30'on Wednes- day of each week, beginning june 9. This change has been u nder dis- cussion for several weeks in the re-' tail committée meetings of the Cham- ber of Commerce. It is the inteht of the f ood dealers that this sèhedule of hours shall give f0 their employees' a. lit fie time for recreation and the enjoyment of some leisure, such as mosf people have in other liues of business. Week days the food stores will be open from 8 a. mi. f0 6 p. 'm. and on Saturdays f rom 7 a. mi. to 7 p. mi. he Chamber of Commerce urges listed. below : A. S. Van Deusen, George B. Winter, mne. J.W. Sébloesser and Co. Great Atlantic and Pacifie. Tea Co- Jewel Food Stores Pàlace Foods Pearson's Grocery and Market Rapp Brothers National Tea Company Qperate a rncaia L'i - sould, equipnient in the busiù fionis of the village, Thé f anices were f0 be. given ini qcertain stores and free distributed, according f0 the Tie board. refused to issue sired perinit. front of Winnietka prograni, held at Skokie signalize the, event inmn nrc hcsM yb samples school, will be in the formi of a ritual, school. The regular church service Stafe bank, and ci request. dern.onsfrating their scholastic careers. at Il o'clock will mark the c9ining of be deiivered by thed-TeGecoprga isobehl in Dr. Allison to the local pastorate on msegr itheQ auditorium of ýthe Cenitral schooý. Chilçreni's Day -in 1928, ,n bool tern il ~ n j

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